2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715073ational Taiwan University (NTU), the oldest and the premier university in Taiwan, has led the country’s higher education and academic research for many years. In view of the crisis in humanistic values and to further fulfill its vision of excellence in academia, the university considered it an imperative to establish a high-level research institution that could integrate research across its twelve colleges on the basis of a re-invention of humanistic values. The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IHS) was hence established in October 2005 to promote fundamental scholarship and interdisciplinary integration of the pertinent fields of inquiry. The Institute serves as platform for comprehensive interchanges between the humanities and the social sciences as well as science and technology, offering ample opportunities for intercollegiate and international communications aiming at transcending the typical compartmentalization of academia and consistently producing integrated new visions. The Motto that the Institute holds is therefore “Enriching visions of culture and the humanities by thinking through dialogue.”國立臺灣大學為華人地區第一所最完整,歷史最悠久,且最具代表性之綜合性大學,肩負高等教育及學術研究領航之重任。有鑒於人文價值的危機,也為進一步追求學術的卓越,本校認為應設置一高等研究之單位,以在重振人文價值的基礎上,整合各領域的研究。本校劍及履及,遂率先於民國94 年10 月18 日成立國立臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院,建立平台供人文、社會、科學、科技不同領域之基礎議題研究,進行全方位的跨域互動,並開發機會供校內、國內及國際之學術交流。最終目的在於超越學院在知識生產上的零碎化,並不斷創生整合的視界。故本院創立宗旨即為「透過對話以豐富人文與文化視界」。Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IHS)