2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714744Established in 1943, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has a long history and has nourished numerous outstanding mechanical engineers and researchers for the nation. Since 2004, the education objective of the department has been to: "To train leaders with a keen sense of technology trends and foresight in mechanical engineering industries." This objective has guided the department in nurturing the future leaders needed in Taiwan’s high-tech and traditional industries. Aiming to be the top educational and research environment in the world, the department has received engineering accreditation since 2005. On the educational aspect, the department works hard to improve education within the five conventional mechanical engineering domains, including solid mechanics, design, manufacturing, fluidics/heat transfer, and system control. As to answer the rapid evolving demands, the department has continuously emphasized new developments in multi-disciplinary studies such as renewable clean energy, precision machining, biomedical microdevices, and intelligent robotics. On the research aspect, the department is strong in the areas of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), next-generation engines and combustion, nano-technologies, molecular dynamics, structural integrity and reliability analysis, fluid dynamics, and manufacturing technologies. More recent efforts have also promoted research into precision nano-manufacturing, clean energy, and robotics technology. The department publishes approximately 200 journal papers cited by the Science Citation Index and applies for about 20 patents. There are 4 Distinguished Researchers holding special appointments (24 times in total) with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), 13 professors with MOST Outstanding Research Awards (26 times in total), 4 professors with MOST Da-Yu Wu Memorial Award, 3 Tung-Yuan Technology Award recipients, 4 Distinguished Engineering Professors from the Chinese Institute of Engineering, 5 Distinguished Engineering Professors from the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, 1 recipient of Automation medal from the Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers and 13 holders of Distinguished professorship of National Taiwan University. In addition, the department is ranked the 34th on the QS World University Rankings (2014) by the subject of mechanical engineering.本系前身為台北帝國大學工學部機械工程科,創始於民國三十二年九月,民國三十四年台灣光復後,改設為國立台灣大學工學院機械工程學系。舊教育目標以配合國家機械工業之發展,培養優秀之機械工程師為宗旨。另為提昇台灣機械工業之技術水準,促進國家科技之自主及發展,於民國五十五年成立機械工程研究所碩士班,現分固體力學組、機械設計組、機械製造組、流體力學組、熱學組、航空工程組、系統控制組等組別招生,而研究方向則分為固體力學及機械設計、機械製造、熱學暨流體力學、航空暨系統控制等五組;並自民國六十六年起再開設博士班研究所以培育具有獨立研究能力之高級人才為宗旨,並肩負起國家科學技術發展之任務。Mechanical EngineeringAcademic Institute