2011-04-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/666000摘要:本計畫之目的係針對臺北水源特定區內大腸桿菌群、總磷及氨氮三項水質建立水質風險管理模式,並進一步研擬適切之水質風險管理策略與應變計畫,提供管理單位及相關學術單位參考。 本計畫期程共計二年,自99年度展開,第一年已完成基本資料收集調查與分析、國內外水質風險管理相關研究之收集與分析、區內高風險水質監測項目之彙整分析、區內水質風險成因及機制探討、評估區內水質監測站之代表性、適地性與即時性等工作;第二年(100年度)工作項目包含區內高風險水質項目之補充監測與調查、區內水質風險管理模式之建立、區內水質風險管理因子之建立及敏感度分析、區內水質風險評估管理模式之測試、區內水質管理之風險評估、區內水質之風險管理策略之研擬及效益評估等,期提供一完整風險管理模式及應用方法供管理單位參考。 <br> Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop a risk management model for protecting water quality such as Total coliforms (TC), ammonia nitrate (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP) in the Taipei Water Source Domain. Furthermore, the management strategy and contingency plan will also be proposed to the authority for reference. This project was a two-year research. It was started since 2010. The major works during the first year included background data collection and analysis, water quality risk cases study in Taiwan and foreign countries, high-risk water quality parameters analysis, cause analysis and mechanism on existing water quality risks, and the investigation on representativeness, suitability, and timeliness of current monitoring stations. The primary task in the second year is to conduct the supplementary investigation of microbiological indicators, establish a risk management model for protecting water quality, propose management factors for risk control and sensitivity analysis, verify the risk management model, characterize the water quality risk and draft the management strategy and evaluate the effectiveness. We hope to provide the authority with an integrated risk management model and application algorithm.風險管理模式水源保護水質risk management modelsource water protectionwater quality臺北水源特定區水質風險管理模式之建立與應用(2/2)