臺灣大學: 電信工程學研究所蔡志宏吳書豪Wu, Shu-HaoShu-HaoWu2013-03-272018-07-052013-03-272018-07-052010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/253256近年來3G業者在智慧型手機及3.5G無線網卡的推出,引發消費者積極的迴響。已加速了無線寬頻服務市場的急遽成長,但也意味著未來無線寬頻網路塞車已成為急待處理的問題。目前一個無線寬頻基地台寬頻容量受限於兩項因素,其一是後端線路(backhaul)的頻寬,另一個是無線空中介面(radio access)之頻寬流量,而取決於兩者之較低者。因為後端網路其實不是技術問題,而是資費問題,一般可藉由增加線路擴充解決;相對地在無線頻譜資源及技術進展速度的雙重限制下,空中無線頻寬無法能夠像有線網路一樣擴充頻寬的彈性,所以網路塞車問題未來主要仍發生在無線介面上,而有待進一步的研究解決。 在本論文中,假設業者已開始使用多種技術佈建其無線寬頻網路,因此有必要對其用戶實施某種無線介面之頻率分配方式。本研究對此資源分配方式進行深入的探討與改善。研究初步發現目前商業化的3.5G網卡,大多數為雙模或多模網卡,而選擇使用哪一種網路系統上網的行為模式,往往僅由網卡連網程式決定使用哪一種網路。例如第一優先選擇為網路瞬間速度最快者,反而忽略了整體網路的使用狀況與使用效率。由於上述的問題,我們提出一套可將連網用戶之連線進行動態網路資源分配的機制,來改善目前3.5G網路面臨的資源限制。此機制將可處理如何提升整體頻譜的使用效率,並且降低使用者被拒絕連線使用的機率 。在我們研究中,假設3.5G網路將建構HSPA及HSPA+的雙模網路,並將兩種不同網路系統建置在不同頻段上,共同對其用戶提供資料傳輸服務。本研究提出兩種演算法策略,並將選擇網路的決定權轉移到業者身上,以改善目前現行網卡選擇方法的缺點,更平衡重量級與一般使用者之權益。本研究經由模擬來分析在目前現行3.5G網路使用者的行為,在此二種演算法實施後之使用者感受及網路整體的效能。最後我們會透過模擬完整的分析這兩種策略,並透過分析被拒絕連線機率與滿意度等效能指標。來評估對不同類型使用者所受到的正負面影響,來當作本論文所提演算法之整體比較依據。Browsing Internet, sending emails or other services traditionally via fixed DSL has currently been replaced by via USB device. In the aspect of 3G operators, the sale with a little laptop, smart phone triggers a positive response from consumers. However, the rapidly growing of wireless broadband users will lead to the congestion of the wireless broadband network in the future. The capacity of wireless broadband base stations is limited in two factors: one is the bandwidth of the back-end line entity, and the other is the bandwidth of the wireless air interface. In fact, the back-end network is not a technical problem, which can be increased by increasing the physical link bandwidth. However, the wireless spectrum resource cannot be increased by increasing the physical lines, so Internet traffic congestion occurs mainly in the wireless interface. In this thesis, we focus on the wireless interface side to do in-depth discussion and improvement. It is the fact that the current 3.5G network cards choose which network can be use for users is based on the first priority to the fastest network, followed by the strongest signal, but lack of the overall use of resources situation. We thus propose a dynamic network resource allocation mechanism to improve the current problems faced by 3.5G networks. How to improve the overall spectrum utilization and reduce the system to block users are our goals. In our proposed system architecture, it includes HSPA and HSPA+ two different network systems, operating at 5MHz frequency band, respectively, to provide data transmission services. Through simulation analysis and comparison of the proposed strategy, it has a significant improvement than that of the current 3.5G network card.2631287 bytesapplication/pdfen-US3.5G網卡滿意度Utility3.5G network[SDGs]SDG9[SDGs]SDG11HSPA雙模網路動態資源配置之研究A Study of Dynamic Resource Allocation for HSPA Dual Network Usersthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/253256/1/ntu-99-R97942095-1.pdf