2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714761The rapid production and dissemination of knowledge and information in the era of globalization has made life more challenging than ever before. A nation’s ability to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers and keep abreast of the latest developments around the globe depends on a thriving translation and interpreting industry. Translation and interpretation pedagogy is therefore of critical importance. Thus, in 2009, National Taiwan University launched the Undergraduate Program in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation. The Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation (GPTI) was founded three years later, in 2012. GPTI is multidisciplinary, open to applicants of various backgrounds with a high level of Chinese and English competence. Students will undergo a comprehensive training in translation and interpretation (T&I) skills, the latest T&I technology, and develop core competencies in self-selected specialties. GPTI consists of a translation track and an interpretation track, with equal emphasis on theory and practice in both tracks. The objectives of this program are: 1) to train students to think and express themselves bilingually, 2) to allow them to cultivate T&I specialties; 3) to broaden their intercultural and interdisciplinary horizons; and 4) to foster academic research in T&I. We at GPTI will continue to train outstanding translators, interpreters and T&I researchers, to enhance the overall quality of translating and interpreting in Taiwan, and to promote T&I as a profession and academic discipline. In our age of rapid technological advancement, translators and interpreters are needed in every discipline to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information. As Taiwan’s flagship institution of higher education, National Taiwan University will give GPTI students unparalleled access to resources as they build expertise. As highly trained T&I practitioners with bilingual and bicultural competencies, graduates will be prepared to make valuable contributions to society.在全球化的趨勢下,知識與資訊的迅速生產讓現代生活充滿挑戰,一個國家是否能突破語言的藩籬而充分掌握現況,端賴其是否有蓬勃發展的翻譯事業,而翻譯教育是一個重要的起點。臺灣大學繼2009年成立大學部中英翻譯學程後,2012年成立翻譯碩士學位學程,招收來自全國各大專院校不同領域,具有優秀雙語能力之畢業生,透過本學程之口筆譯能力訓練,配合翻譯科技之掌控,及專業領域知識之發展,訓練成為現代專業之口筆譯之從業人員。學程分為口譯組與筆譯組,強調理論與實踐並重,學程目標為:一、訓練雙語思考與表達能力、二、厚植專業翻譯的知識背景、三、開拓跨文化跨領域的視野、四、培養翻譯研究的專業學識 。學程結合最新口筆譯研究與科技,提供學生扎實的專業口筆譯與跨文化能力訓練。Translation and InterpretationAcademic Institute