2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714785The Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE) is established in 1994. IIE currently offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in three major fields: 1. Production Systems and Processes, 2. Operations and Information Systems, and 3. Industrial Analysis and Technology Management. In collaboration with the College of Engineering, the College of Management, the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the College of Medicines, IIE is especially known for its multidisciplinary research of system integration, innovation and management. In particular, its advanced research in semiconductor manufacturing systems is noted worldwide. IIE is the first academic institute in Taiwan to win the research grant from Semiconductor Research Corp. and International Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives, Inc. Through the co-op projects, research issues and ideas are exchanged and discussed with engineers from semiconductor companies in Taiwan, US and Germany. The semiconductor research in IIE has continued to advance, flourish and internationalize. Meanwhile, IIE has been developing its multidisciplinary research in areas of service systems and biomedical engineering. It has worked with hospitals to improve the efficiency of the healthcare service operations. It has also worked with the College of Medicines to develop the ultrasound computer-aided tumor detection and diagnosis technologies which have been successfully transferred to a biotech company and won the National Enterprise Innovation Award. IIE is also developing new research areas, such as industrial analysis and service engineering. In particular, IIE has joined a collaboration effort by Colleges of EECS, Engineering and Management to propose an interdisciplinary research center. The center will focus its research on how to enhance the industrial added-value by integrating services, manufacturing, technologies and humanities.國立臺灣大學工業工程學研究所碩士班成立於1994 年,師資結合工學院機械系、電資學院電機系與資訊工程學系、管理學院工商管理學系,展現本所跨領域之師資。於 2003 年開始在機械系博士班招收工業工程與管理領域博士生,並在2010 年成立本所博士班,整合系統工程、與系統管理之研究。 本所主要的研究領域: 數據系統與分析 智慧決策 作業研究 供應鏈管理與工程 科技管理 配合社會趨勢以及業界需求,並強調工業工程學研究所跨領域研究以及產業整合之背景特色,本所於2011 年成立跨領域整合與創新高階主管碩士在職專班,吸引不同領域專長之中高階主管與業界之隱形冠軍,除了該專班學員之間跨領域研究合作之激盪,也為本所一般碩士學程帶來新的產業學習能量與交流,更奠定本所跨領域研究以及產業整合之基石。本所「跨領域整合與創新」碩士在職專班,發展方向係針對我國產業的前瞻性需求,結合臺灣大學在工程、生醫、經濟、法律、管理等領域的優勢資源,注重創新研發流程、產業系統整合、製造服務及全球運籌的研究。「跨領域整合與創新」碩士在職專班發展目標將在下列各領域中追求卓越與整合創新的綜合效應︰ 資通、奈米、生醫、與其他高科技產業之跨領域整合研發 科技趨勢與產業創新 服務產業規劃與運籌 全球化物流系統、供應鏈系統、服務系統、與決策管理系統之規劃與運籌。Industrial EngineeringAcademic Institute