國立臺灣大學外國語文學系Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University張小虹2017-09-122018-05-292017-09-122018-05-292009-090303-0849http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/283415本文將以「愛國主義」的國族情感政治為出發,探討李安電影《色∣戒》一片中有關「愛」的「情感召喚」與「影像機制」,展開兩個中心議題的提問。第一組提問:愛國主義作為一種「影像再現」與愛國主義作為一種「影像機制」有何不同?如果《色∣戒》所鋪陳的不只是一個愛國學生殺漢奸的故事情節,那該片的鏡頭剪接與場景調度如何愛國、如何殺漢奸?第二組提問:「愛國」的「愛」與「愛人」的「愛」究竟是不是同一種「愛」、同一種「精神機制」?而「愛國」與「愛人」之間又可以有什麼樣的連結與悖反?而什麼又是國族之愛與浪漫之愛的弔詭依存? 針對以上的提問,全文將分別從「愛」的聲音召喚、「愛」的視覺縫合、「性」的身體政治與「歷史」的內在皺摺等四個方向,展開對《色∣戒》「愛國主義」的探討,以凸顯愛國乃為一種不斷重複加強、重複引述的「踐履行動」。而《色∣戒》作為一部至為獨特的「愛國片」,正在於它展現出一種至為獨特的「沒有國家的愛國主義」,從「情感政治」的角度回應當前「沒有民族主義的民族」或「沒有國家的世界主義」,同時鬆動愛國主義作為國家愛國主義的預設與當前「後國族」與「世界主義」的歐洲模式預設,以其歷史文化的殊異性與情感政治的幽微度,迂迴逃逸於當前「國族主義」、「穿國主義」、「離散論述」與「全球主義」的論述侷限。This paper takes the affective politics of patriotism as a point of departure to explore the emotional interpellation and visual mechanism of love mapped out in Lust, Caution by Ang Lee. It elaborates upon two lines of enquiry: the first one focuses upon the possible difference between patriotism as “visual representation” and patriotism as “visual mechanism” by asking how the montage and mise-en-sc?ne of the camera, in parallel to the actions of the characters in the plot, can also love the country and kill the national betrayer; the second one centers upon the paradoxical relationship between romantic love and love of country by asking whether they might share the same psychic mechanism of love as imaginary identification. Accordingly, the paper is divided into four parts to map out respectively the intersections of love as acoustic interpellation, love as visual suture, sex as body politics and history as internal folds. It highlights patriotism as a repetitive and iterative “performative act” and Lust, Caution as a film of “patriotism with the state,” endowed with a historically sensitive and affectively powerful “singularity” to challenge the “postnational” concepts of “nations without nationalism” and “cosmopolitanism without the nation-state” and to provide a new possibility to theorize beyond the current discoursive impasse of nationalism, transnationalism, diaspora and globalization.愛國主義國族情感踐履性李安《色∣戒》patriotismnational affectperformativityAng LeeLustCaution愛的不可能任務:《色∣戒》中的性-政治-歷史The Mission Impossible of Love: Sex-Politics-History in Lust, Cautionjournal article10.6637/CWLQ.2009.38(3).9-48