張慶源2006-07-262018-06-282006-07-262018-06-282004-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22138本研究主要是以萘作為氣相中多環芳香族烴 (polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)之指標 物種,利用觸媒焚化程序處理加以去除。研究中改 變不同操作參數如:反應溫度、觸媒粒徑及空間速 度,探討萘在不同操作條件下之處理效率,並建立 反應動力模式以描述去除萘之動力行為。研究結果 顯示萘在經過觸媒分解後,會加快反應速率,且溫 度在480 K、空間速度為35000 hr-1 以下時,去除效 率幾乎可達到95 %以上。另外反應溫度、觸媒粒 徑及空間速度三種影響因子中,以反應溫度對萘轉 化率之影響程度最大。由反應動力模式之推求結 果,顯示Rideal-Eley 反應機制與Arrhenius 方程式 相當適合於描述此觸媒反應系統。此反應速率式可 簡化成一階反應,其反應所需之活化能為17.8 kcal/mol,頻率因子為3.26 × 1017 s -1。The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of the application of the catalytic incineration to decompose polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) (taking naphthalene as a target compound, the simplest and lowest toxic PAH) generated from the waste incineration or diesel engine emission to atmosphere. The relationships between conversion efficiency, operating parameters and influential factors, such as treatment temperatures, catalyst sizes and space velocities have been examined. Also, the related kinetic model is proposed to describe the reaction mechanism. The experimental results indicate that the catalyst used accelerates the reaction rate of decomposition of naphthalene, and decreases the reaction temperature. A high conversion (over 95 %) can be achieved at the moderate reaction temperature of 480 K and space velocity below 35000 hr-1. In addition, the reaction temperature is a determining factor in the catalytic decomposition. The results indicate that Rideal-Eley mechanism and Arrhenius equation can be reasonably applied to describe the data by using the pseudo-fist-order reaction kinetic equation. The activation energy (17.8 kcal/mol) andfrequency factor (3.26 × 1017 s -1) were obtained therefore.application/pdf231533 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所多環芳香族烴觸媒焚化反應動力 模式polycylic aromatic hydrocarbonscatalytic incinerationnaphthalenekinetic model.[SDGs]SDG11觸媒焚化及高級氧化程序處理多環芳香族之研究(1/3)Treatment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Using Catalytic Incineration and Advanced Oxidation Processesreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22138/1/922211E002056.pdf