文學院: 藝術史研究所指導教授: 顏娟英饒祖賢Jao, Tsu-HsienTsu-HsienJao2017-03-062018-05-292017-03-062018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277413日治時期的台灣寺廟建築受到多元外來文化的影響,大多顯現出程度不一的文化混雜性格。其中,台中后里毘盧禪寺全然採用西洋風格的建築樣貌,更被譽為當時台灣佛教寺院建築中獨一無二的創舉。本篇論文即嘗試從歷史和人群活動的角度切入,集中探究日治時期毘盧禪寺建築形式的成立與其修築主導者、使用者之間的關聯性。 坐落於台中后里太平山半山麓上的毘盧禪寺,是昭和二年(1927)時由台中地方望族神岡筱雲山莊呂家集資籌建,昭和五年(1930)落成,作為家族大房女性出家清修的避世居所,同時也是其他家族成員雅集休憩的世外別莊,具有「家寺」的私屬特質。而主導毘盧禪寺籌建的17、18世呂家成員多數為日治時期接受新式教育的知識份子與經營現代化事業的資產家,具備與時俱進的思想觀念。故而后里毘盧禪寺建築在他們的主導下,受到日治時期官方公共建築所引領的西化潮流影響,從1930年代完工的大雄寶殿與廂房、山門、庭園,以至戰後增建的圓頂納骨塔(多寶塔),都積極嘗試西洋樣式風格與新興構造材料。其中,大雄寶殿的立面造型極有可能借鏡於當時台中公園內的物產陳列館外觀。毘盧禪寺建築群不同於傳統寺廟形式的嶄新風貌,遂成為神岡呂家家族精神與現代化價值觀的具體象徵。 再從宗教面向來看,毘盧禪寺也是一所具公眾開放性的「尼寺」。苗栗法雲寺住持林覺力自1920年代中期發起的女眾佛學教育,不僅促成一連串現代尼寺的誕生,也激發主掌毘盧禪寺的呂氏諸姐妹以興辦佛學教育、設置女子佛學院做為創寺理想。這必然影響禪寺建築最初的空間規劃,於是在有限的基地上,設計者將傳統的祭祀空間轉化為現代性大型集會堂空間與西式樓房建築,兼顧儀式、參拜、教育講習以及休憩等多重功能,滿足了主導者與使用者的實用需求,也反映出時代建築風氣的演進。Located on Mt. Tai-pin in Houli, Taichung, the Pi-Lu Monastery was founded in 1927 by a local powerful family, the Lu family of Shengang. Serving as a place for female members of the Lu family to practice Buddhism and as a relaxing manor for the whole family, the Pi-Lu Monastery is generally considered to be a private family monastery. The Lus, who aimed to become highly westernized intellectuals in the Japanese colonial period, were eager to make use of modern architectural styles in their own residential houses and religious buildings. Consequently, the main hall, wing-rooms, main gate, and courtyard of the monastery, and even the pagoda constructed after 1945, all feature western architecture, representing the progress and modernity of the Shengang Lu family. During the Japanese colonial period, the Pi-Lu Monastery was also recognized as an open Buddhist nunnery. Inspired by the Buddhist monk Lin Jue-Li’s promotion of Buddhist female education in the 1920s, the sisters of the Lu family tried to establish an ideal venue for females to practice Buddhism and attend educational activities. This ambition must have had quite an impact on the initial architecture design for the Pi-Lu Monastery, which was a two-story building with a spacious interior similar to a western hall. In short, the western style, new building techniques, and space utilization of the Pi-Lu Monastery not only met the needs of its patrons and supervisors but also reflected the taste for modern civilization at that time. Thus the architecture of the Pi-Lu Monastery is quite extraordinary among the Buddhist buildings constructed during the middle colonial period in Taiwan.46877504 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/4/15論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)毘盧禪寺多寶塔神岡呂家林覺力女眾佛學教育Pi-Lu Buddhist MonasteryDuo-Bao PagodaLu family of ShengangLin Jue-Lifemale Buddhist education日治時期神岡呂家與后里毘盧禪寺的建築新樣貌The Modern Style of Pi-Lu Buddhist Monastery and the Lu Family in the Japanese Colonial Periodthesis10.6342/NTU201600161http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277413/1/ntu-105-R01141007-1.pdf