熊秉元臺灣大學:經濟學研究所帥嘉寶Shuai, Jia-BaoJia-BaoShuai2010-05-052018-06-282010-05-052018-06-282008U0001-0102200815105900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179167中文摘要論文是以資訊的角度,來詮釋法院的審判活動。先解釋資訊的意涵、功能與支持條件,然後用「貼標籤」及「放訊號」兩個概念來說明資訊的處理方法,並指出資訊的處理,涉及成本效益分析,而不同的社會成員,因其角色的差異,有不同內容的成本與效益,資訊處理手法也不相同。法院是以賽局中裁判者的角色,參與社會活動,相對於選手而言,其認識事實的成本高,而追求的效益則是信譽與權威。這會影響到資訊處理手法。著則分從規範與實證,兩個不同的角度,分析法院審判活動的特質,確定法院透過審判所傳遞給社會的規範訊息,是一種資產,具有經濟價值,並有客觀的標準可供衡量。而其生產方式,基於法院的賽局裁判角色特徵,發展出法律及法律體系,用以降低法院在生產過程中的處理成本,因此法律是法院生產規範訊息的輔助工具。法律是借助歷史經驗,採用歸納的方法而形成,其中已將實證的部分抽離,變成規則或命令。而法院的工作卻是為了處理個案,通案的法律及法律體系未必能全然顧及個案之特殊性。甚至法律工具的設計本身也會有缺失,因此法院在審理過程中,必須對之修正調整。另外法院釋放規範訊息的目標,也是為了展望將來,讓社會福利最大化。以過去經驗為基礎而制訂的法律工具,於未來案件的適用上,同樣可能會有思慮不周,或過於抽象的缺失。此時法律經濟學的個案分析方法,將能提升法院生產的規範資訊價值,使其更親和.對社會成員與更具說服力。法院認識到自己的社會任務與社會價值以後,也應努力提升規範訊息的資產價值,並降低社會成員在引用、辨識規範訊息時的成本。Abstracthis research is to aim at interpretation of trial activity in court in terms of information. This research is to explain the meaning, function and support condition of information, function and support condition, and then it applies two concepts of stereotyping and signaling to illustrate the methodology of information processing, which indicates the information processing is involved cost-benefit analysis. The different social members result in different cost and benefit due to the difference on the role they play. The method of information processing is accordingly different. The court attends the social activity and social event as the role of referee in terms of games. In contrast of player, the cost of the recognition of fact is high and the pursuit of benefit is reputation and authority, which truly affects information processing. he next stage is to analyze the features of trial activity in court from two different point of views of norm and real cases to ascertain the norm and the message which court delivers to society through trial activity is an asset with economic value and with objective standard for evaluation. Moreover, the method of production is based on the feature of role for court as referee in games to develop the law and jurisprudence in order to reduce the processing cost in production process. Therefore the law is the auxiliary instrument in the production process of norm in court. he law has been formed by adoption the “Inductive Method” by using the historical experience. The empirical part has been extracted to become the rule or order. The daily work in court is mainly to proceed the individual case and solve the problem. The law and jurisprudence of general case is unnecessarily able to concern its distinction entirely. Even the design of instrument for law itself has the drawback, so therefore in the trial process in court, these drawbacks and problems need to be adjusted and revised. In addition, the goal of releasing the normal information is for the vision to the future in order to maximization of social welfare. The law instrument might be lack of entire consideration or too abstract in the application of the future cases since it has established by the foundation of past experience. By this time the methodology of case studies of Law and Economics will enhance the value of normal information which court produces and make it more friendly and more convincing to social members. hen the court realizes its social mission and social value, it should make its efforts to improve and enhance the value of standardized information and as well reduce the cost when social members apply and adopt the normal information. eywords: Stereotyping; Signaling; Economics of Information; Law and Economics; Information; Rent Seeking ; Methodology of Law目 錄試委員會審定書……………………………………………………………… i言………………………………………………………………………………. ii文摘要………………………………………………………………………… iii文摘要…………………………………………………………………………. iv錄…………………………………………………………………………….. vi目錄………………………………………………………………………… viii一章 前言……………………………………………………………………… 1二章 資訊為何是問題………………………………………………………… 3 第一節 資訊的內涵(資訊是什麼)……………………………………… 3二節 資訊的功能(資訊有何用處)……………………………... 3三節 資訊產生的支持條件…………………………………… 6三章 資訊問題的處理:「貼標籤」與「放訊號」………………………… 9 第一節 貼標籤概念的說明..……………………………………………….. 9 一 標籤概念的起源…………………………………………………… 9 標籤活動的運作模式……………………………………………… 11 標籤活動的推動力量(成本效益分析)…………………………12 第二節 放訊號概念的說明……………………………………………… 12 訊號概念的起源。…………………………………………………13 二 訊號活動的運作模式………………………………………………14 訊號活動的推動力量(成本效益分析)…………………………15 第三節 在資訊處理上,二種概念的結合………………………………….16 一 在個人決策層次上的結…………………………………………….16 二 在法律審判活動上的結合………………………………………… 16四章 法院審判面貌的靜態描述……………………………………………… 20 第一節 從規範的角度入手………………………………………………….20 一 權利結構的解析…………………………………………………….20 二 法律的解釋與補充………………………………………………… 22 三 法院審判活動的社會任務………………………………………… 26 第二節 從實證的角度入…………………………………………………….28 一 資源概念的說明…………………………………………………… 28 二 資源配置的經濟標準……………………………………………… 29 三 法院審判活動的經濟作用………………………………………… 31五章 法院審判活動過程中的資訊處理……………………………………… 34 第一節 標籤活動與訊號活動在法學理論……………………………….. 34經濟理論間之對比說明 立法層次上的標籤及訊號活動………………………………… 34 法院審判層次上的標籤及訊號活動…………………………… 35 法學理論與經濟理論的對比差異……………………………….36 第二節 法院引入經濟理論處理資訊議題的必要性…………………… 39三節 法律涵攝過程的新觀點…..………………………………………40 一 傳統法學觀點下的法律涵攝過程…………………………………40 二 傳統法學法律涵攝過程背後的成本效益分析……………………41 三 納入經濟觀點的法律涵攝過程……………………………………44四節 法院審判過程中,有關「標籤」活動的案例說明……………..46 一 辨識訊號真實性工具的建立………………………………………46 二 事實認識成本對法規範內涵詮釋的影響..………………………. 49 三 法律效果取捨對法規範內涵詮釋的影響……………………… 51 四 效率觀點對探究法規範立法本旨的助益……………………… 54 第五節 法院向社會傳達特定規範資訊的效率評價………………….. 57以祭祀公業的相關法律見解為例)六章. 結語……………………………………………………………………. 61參考文獻……………………………………………………………………… 64 圖目錄1. 法律規範與社會事實關連性圖示…………………………….……………252. 傳統法學的法律涵攝模型圖……………………………………………….413. 法律補充過程圖示..…………………………………………………………434. 納入經濟觀點的法律涵攝模型圖………………………………………….45application/pdf746037 bytesapplication/pdfen-US貼標籤放訊號資訊經濟學法律經濟學資訊競租法學方法論StereotypingSignalingEconomics of InformationLaw and EconomicsInformationRent SeekingMethodology of Law法院審判活動之「貼標籤」與「放訊號」The Stereotyping and Signaling for the Judging Activities of the Courtthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179167/1/ntu-97-P94323001-1.pdf