2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714807Services The Department of Integrated Diagnostic & Therapeutics consists of pulmonary function & respiratory therapy division, ultrasound division, endoscopy division, hemodialysis division and clinical pharmacology. Ultrasound Division Introduction All the application of ultrasound are provided in this devision. Appointment Make an appointment of sonar via OPD’s doctors organizing, then the appointment will be scheduled. Please keep the appointment sheet and the preparing instruction (but all Chinese, ask the nurse the detail in OPD) to the examination unit at the day when the exam be scheduled Contact Information Address:No.7, Chung Shan S. Rd. (Zhongshan S. Rd.), Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Office:02-23123456 ext.65427 E-mail:diathe@ntuh.gov.tw台大醫院於民國八十二年為統籌運用醫院有限之人力物力,因應現代醫療專業分工,迎接健保時代的來臨,特別將臨床診斷及治療相關業務,包括:超音波檢查及治療、呼吸功能的照護、內視鏡檢查、診斷及治療和血液淨化相關醫療單位整合成立綜合診療部,設立的目的在提供完整之診察及治療資源、提昇民眾方便舒適的檢查空間、增加病友與本院之溝通管道、提昇本院診療品質與聲譽。提供的檢查項目包括:內視鏡檢查、超音波檢查、肺功能檢查、血液透析/腹膜透析。 聯絡資訊: 電話:02-23123456 ext.65427 E-mail:diathe@ntuh.gov.twIntegrated Diagnostics and Therapeutics-NTUHAcademic Institute