文學院: 中國文學研究所指導教授: 徐聖心楊景彥Yong, Keng-YenKeng-YenYong2017-03-022018-05-292017-03-022018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271637《莊子》中孔子形象之定位究竟為何?歷來不乏討論,從詆毀醜化、文學莊化、儒門莊學、儒道融合等種種角度皆可言之,然這是否足以成為蓋棺定論?本論文站在各種前人見解之下企圖提出另一個觀點,此即把孔子完全納入莊學系統以進行無差別論述,以此,《莊子》與孔將不再是二,而是一。 但是,這並不表示將孔子的歷史形象排除,反之,論文將首先著眼於《莊子》是如何用運用歷史形象中的孔子,此即博學、教學、傳達的孔子歷史形象之運用。以此角度出發,論文嘗試將此孔子形象放在知、禮、命三者的莊學命題來討論,如此既能不忽略孔子之歷史形象,也不忽略孔子在莊學系統的融合。 使《莊子》中之孔子不被中國歷史上孔子的巨大權威影響,是本論文最大的努力之處。本文冀望還原《莊子》的孔子。What exactly is the image of Confucius in Chuang Tzu ? There have been many discussions throughout history, from defamation, Chuang-class literature, Chuang school of Confucian, to integration of Confucian and Taoism and so on. Nevertheless, can all these be sufficient to determine the issue? The study, based on various views of predecessors, attempts to raise another viewpoint, namely, completely classify Confucius to the system of Chuang school so as to carry out indiscriminate statements. Here, Chuang Tzu and Confucius will become an integrate one rather than separate two parts. However, this doesn’t mean that the historical image of Confucius would be eliminated. On the contrary, the study firstly focused on how Chuang Tzu employs the historical image of Confucius, that is, an erudite Confucius who teached and delivered his knowledge to others. From this aspect, the study tries to discuss the Confucian image together with propositions of Chuang school regarding to knowledge, etiquette and destiny. In this way, neither the historical image of Confucius nor the integration of Confucius with the system of Chuang school would be ignored. In the study, the author exerts all energies to make Confucius in Chuang Tzu free from great authority and influences of Confucius in Chinese history. It is expected that Confucius in Chuang Tzu could be restored here.2105678 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)《莊子》孔子博學聖人Chuang TzuConfuciusknowledgeetiquettedestinyeruditionsage《莊子》與人文——以孔子形象為例Chuang Tzu and Humanity --- Image Analysis of Confucius in Chuang Tzuthesis10.6342/NTU201601532http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271637/1/ntu-105-R00121025-1.pdf