2003-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/707505摘要:本研究目的在於針對台灣的資訊產業的廠商在海外進行研發活動的性質、形式、角色與功能進行討論,藉以回應在全球化中不同廠商策略與地方技術體制和制度,所形構而成的不同的研發地理學的相關討論。研究將以資訊業台商在美國加州的矽谷以及中國大陸設立研發部門進行訪談做為主要的資料分析來源。研究的理論對話將放在兩個面向,一方面是研發活動的全球化發展與跨國公司的理論,尤其是有關後進國家在技術轉移學習方面的理論,進行對照與討論;另一方面,本研究也嘗試要論證地理的領域制度以及廠商的空間聚集和技術轉移學習之間存在著正向的關係。藉由與這兩大理論之間的對話,以及經驗上研究的比較過程,本研究將能在理論發展上,針對與以往強調核心國家到後進國家投資設廠進行技術轉移的理論模式,進行不同型態的模式加以理論化的可能,同時也可以進一步探討地主區域的研發體系將再研發投資活動的發展上的作用,而在有關廠商─領域復合體(firm-territory nexus)有關的辯論上,進行反思。<br> Abstract: This research aims to investigate the divergent roles played by the R&D (research and development) activities of Taiwanese informatics firms in Silicon Valley of California and Beijing, Shanghai of China. The conventional viewpoints stress on the key contribution of technology transfer from the core industrial countries, such as the US and Japan, to the developing ones, such as Taiwan. Against the perspective, this research will try to demonstrate the possibilities of the latecomer firms could actively set up R&D center in the knowledge-rich regions to tap into the local tacit knowledge. Besides, the firms possibly take advantage of the emerging market and the ample pool of high-quality talents, such as China, to enhance their technological capabilities. By doing so, the firms are able to exploit the divergent external resources in each region, and transfer the embedded knowledge and technology back to their parent firms in Taiwan. To attack the issues, this research will deal with two main theories in economic geography and international business: one thread on the internationalization (globalization) of R&D activities, another on the role of geographical proximity in technology diffusion. In critically dialoguing with these two theories, it will show that the different regional innovative systems will incarnate itself with the subsidiaries of the trans-nationals in divergent ways and influence the development of the latter’s technological trajectories. In the sense, the research will provide a good case study to explore the dialectic interaction between firms and territories.研發技術學習地理聚集跨國公司台灣資訊廠商矽谷中國大陸R&Dtechnological learninggeographical proximitytrans-nationalsTaiwanese informatics firmsSilicon ValleyMainland China跨界研發與區域創新體系:資訊業台商在美國矽谷與中國上海、北京研發活動的比較(1/2)