社會科學院: 經濟學研究所指導教授: 劉錦添蕭鎮宇Hsiao, Chen-YuChen-YuHsiao2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275341本文以2002 與2003 年的大學指考資料合併2004 至2015 年的勞保資料試圖探討學生的個人興趣、就讀科系是否與未來勞動市場的薪資有關連。透過學生向分發委員會報告的志願序,本文得以在不依靠詢問本人的情況下觀察考生的興趣。本文將學生分成就讀自己有興趣的學科、沒有就讀自己有興趣的學科、沒有對特定學科有興趣三類,以科系為單位,分別估計興趣是否對勞動市場的報酬有影響。本文的實證結果沒有系統性的在不同的學門與學校等級的科系發現興趣與就讀科系的一致會帶來更高的薪資。但是本文有發現傳統上家長較偏愛的學門或科系相較其他學門或科系,學生興趣與就讀科系符合有較高的機會對未來薪資報酬有負面影響。這樣的現象可能與志願序的決定受到父母干預有關。In this study, I tried to find the association between academic interest of university freshman and labor market performance. This study combined College Entrance Examination Data and administration data of labor insurance from Ministry of Labor to acquire academic interest and labor market performance of the same individual. I separated the samples into three groups- students whose major matched their academic interest, students whose major did not match their academic interest, and students with no academic interest. I estimated the payoff of academic interest for each department. The empirical result could not confirm that students whose major matched their academic interest received higher wage. However, I found that the preceding impact was weaker in the fields or departments which are traditionally preferred by parents. This phenomenon suggested that parents’ preference might play an important role in the decision of degree choice.998963 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權學業興趣大學教育報酬行政資料大學畢業起薪指定科目考試academic interestreturn on university educationadministrative datastarting salary for college graduateAdvanced Subjects Test大學就讀科系與自身興趣對勞動市場表現之影響The impact of academic interest and university major on labor market performancethesis10.6342/NTU201602173http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275341/1/ntu-105-R04323052-1.pdf