2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714774The history of the Chemistry Department started as the Subject of Chemistry in March of 1928 when the Taihoku Imperial University (TIU) was founded. After World War II, TIU was renamed as National Taiwan University in November of 1945, and the Subject of Chemistry became the Department of Chemistry. The Department inaugurated the Master and the Doctoral programs in 1956 and 1966, respectively. Since 2007, the graduate program has expanded to divisions of Chemistry and Chemical Biology to accommodate the breath of interdisciplinary training and research activities. Currently, there are 36 faculty members, 8 adjunct professors, 6 distinguished chair professors (including Nobel laureate, Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee, and the President of Academia Sinica, Dr. Chi-Huey Wong), 16 teaching assistants, 25 staffs, and approximately 790 students (220 doctoral, 250 master, and 320 bachelor). Research Fields & Facilities: Our faculty research covers a broad range of topics in contemporary chemistry, including synthetic chemistry, sustainable chemistry and energy, materials and nano sciences, chemical biology, and imaging technologies. To meet the broad spectrum of research interests, the department is equipped with cutting-edge instruments and core facilities for material science and chemical biology. Students with licenses can operate the instruments for their research. Future Goals & Development: We strive for the promotion of teaching quality and for innovative, interdisciplinary, and internationally recognized research programs in the areas of (1) design and synthesis of functional materials, (2) medicinal chemistry and proteomics, (3) molecular structure characterizations and imaging, and (4) sustainability and energy. In November 2009, the New Chemistry Research Building, located next to the picturesque Drunken Moon Lake, was completed and named Integrate Chemistry Building to express our gratitude to the support of TSMC. The name connotatively adopts words from Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind, the first Chinese aesthetics and literary criticism dated in the 5th century, and symbolizes our determination of continuing the excellence in research, cultivating young talents, and taking the challenges of the new era.台灣大學的前身台北帝國大學,開辦於民國17年(1928年)4月1日。據記錄,早在民國14年(1925年)就編上準備費,購地蓋校舍,派教授外遊,到開辦時,教授回國報到,工程也完成,馬上可以上課及作實驗了。台北帝大創立時,只有文政學部、理農學部(學部相當在現在之學院)兩個學部,理農學部共有十個講座 (每一講座由一教授領導),設有生物學科、化學科、地質學科、農藝化學科、農科等五科 (科相當於現在的系)。 師資方面,本系目前有專任教師33位,與中央研究院合聘之教授6位,特約講座1位,特聘研究講座3位、特聘講座教授2位;並時常聘請國際知名學者為客座講習。在分析、有機、無機、物理化學、化學生物學五個學門的基礎上發展跨領域之教學研究合作計畫。 另有助教及教學約用幹事14位,職技員工23位,協助處理一般學生實驗及行政事務。目前研究生博士班約174名,碩士班約208名,大學部學生約290名。ChemistryAcademic Institute