文學院: 圖書資訊學研究所指導教授: 林維真酆詠之Feng, Yung-ChihYung-ChihFeng2017-03-062018-05-302017-03-062018-05-302015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276813本研究旨在探討家庭觀眾對美術館展示說明之需求,以國立臺灣美術館「跟著線條去旅行」教育展為研究場域。主要研究目的為:(一)瞭解家庭觀眾參觀美術館之動機與需求。(二)分析家庭觀眾閱讀與使用美術館展示說明之行為。(三)根據家庭觀眾美術館參觀與學習動機、閱讀展示說明行為、參觀滿意度及美術教育內涵,歸納美術館展示說明之設計原則。 本研究以半結構式訪談法及觀察法,訪談8組參觀國立臺灣美術館「跟著線條去旅行」的家庭觀眾對展示說明的態度與想法,並記錄其參觀及閱讀展示說明之行為。 研究結果顯示,家庭觀眾的美術館展示參觀行為,以「瀏覽」方式閱讀展示說明為主,偏好量少、淺顯易懂與經驗連結之展示說明,並期待展示說明能圖文對照。對於展示標題、群組標籤與物件標籤之三大類不同展示說明,家庭觀眾的期待與需求也表現差異。但是綜合而言,有閱讀展示說明之家庭觀眾,在參觀記憶與參觀滿意度上均高於不閱讀展示說明之家庭觀眾。基於研究結果與發現,本研究就易讀性與視覺性設計原則,對美術館與博物館提出具體展示說明之實務建議。This research focuses on the family visitors'' text reading requirements in art museum. It is a case study in “Follow the lines on a journey” exhibition of the National Taiwan museum of Fine Arts. The purposes of this research are: (1) to understand the family visitors’ motivations and requirements on visiting art museum. (2) to analysis family visitors’ reading and using text behavior. (3) according to the family visitors’ motivations, text reading behavior, satisfactions and the meaning of art museum education to generalize the principles of text designing in the art museum. The qualitative methodology with semi-structured interview, and observation was adopted to understand the 8 groups of family visitors’ attitude and ideas of text, and to record their behavior when visiting and reading text. The results of this study suggested that family visitors prefer the text, which was short, easy, connecting to their experiences and combining words and pictures. They have different expectations and requirements towards different types of exhibitions. Family visitors who read the text has better memories and higher satisfactions than those who didn''t. The Findings of the study suggests the design of exhibition label should corresponds to readability and visibility, and adopt multiple text levels.1841552 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/12/1論文使用權限: 同意無償授權美術館家庭觀眾展示說明art museumfamily visitorsexhibition text美術館教育性展覽之家庭觀眾展示說明閱讀行為研究-以國立臺灣美術館「跟著線條去旅行」教育展為例Family visitors' text reading behavior in educational exhibitions of art museum - A case study of NTMoFAthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276813/1/ntu-104-R01126006-1.pdf