臺灣大學: 生物產業傳播暨發展學研究所賴爾柔戴君玲Tai, Chun-LingChun-LingTai2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247769社群支持型農業在1990年代在北美地區蓬勃發展,2006年後台灣也開始有少數農場採取社群支持型農業的方式運作。台灣的社群支持型農業如何發展與運作?本論文選取島嶼社群生機農場進行個案研究,通過文件資料收集、參與觀察、深入訪談,配合結構化的問卷調查等方式,詳細紀錄與陳述個案農場的發展與運作過程,同時也以鑲嵌概念切入,分析島嶼農場社群支持型農業的運作特性。 研究發現,島嶼農場由中年轉農的生產者創立,在特定的哲思基礎與經濟需要下採取社群支持型農業來運作,其發展鑲嵌在華德福教育社群的社會關係網絡中,也強化了本來的關係網絡。同時,島嶼農場的發展也是一個鑲嵌化過程,其中所強調的「社群」理念有著意義上的轉變,並伴隨著農業活動與農產品的價值再造,以穩固島嶼農場的社群支持型農業網絡基礎。社群支持型農業讓生產與消費結合,使人與人、人與生產關係重新發生連結,再鑲嵌效應降低了消費者對食物品質不確定的不安感受,引發了認同與行動上的變化。 然而經濟上互惠共享、精神生活相互仰賴的社群理念,在島嶼農場未能落實,消費者與生產者仍保持距離,社群支持型農業也未能讓島嶼農場真正脫離市場壓力,反而在擴大規模以維持經濟收入的情況下,同時承受去鑲嵌的力量。島嶼農場在理念與市場壓力間持續找尋穩定而平衡的發展。To explore the operation and development of community supported agriculture (CSA) farm in Taiwan, this thesis focuses on the Island Bio-Dynamic Farm. By conducting a review of the literature, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and survey, the analysis shows the CSA experiences of the Island Farm. This thesis also analyzes the characteristic of CSA with the concept of embeddedness. The farmer of the Island Farm adopted CSA because of the farming philosophy background and economic needs. The development of CSA is embedded in the social network of Waldorf education community. It is also a process of embedding, where actors give and change the meaning of “community” and other activities to stabilize the network of CSA. Because CSA offers a reembedded situation, consumers in CSA ease their worry for the uncertainty of food quality. However, CSA in the Island Farm does not create an economic and spiritual shared life. There is distance between consumers and producers. CSA as a reembedded system, never really gets away from market pressures. For survive, the Island Farm suffers from a disembedded force, which is to enlarge the scale of production. The challenge of the Island Farm is to find the balance between these two forces.1158489 bytesapplication/pdfen-US社群支持型農業社區支持型農業鑲嵌再鑲嵌鑲嵌化過程CSAcommunity supported agricultureembeddednessreembeddedembedding台灣社群支持型農業的發展與運作:島嶼社群生機農場的個案研究Exploring Community Supported Agriculture in Taiwan: A Case Study of Island Bio-Dynamic Farmthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247769/1/ntu-99-R94630008-1.pdf