國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University林珊如2010-06-232018-05-302010-06-232018-05-302005-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/185961管理學大師彼得杜拉克在「下一個社會」一書指出,未來十年全球社會將面臨急速老化的現象。高齡化社會及其衍生之議題近年來已是全球關注的焦點。圖書館界在數位時代的進程中,另一個重要議題為如何為老年人提供適切服務,其中牽涉對老人特性與需求的瞭解,以及老人學發展趨勢的觀察。本文擬就此一議題,探討圖書館在數位時代提供老年服務的角色及應有之認識。The coming of aging societies is a global trend and Taiwan is included as one of the aging societies, according to United Nations’ criteria. There are many social, educational, and medical issues ahead and much research is needed to form the proper policies and decision-making. This article traces the establishment and development of gerontology internationally, especially the responses from the American Library Association in forming the policies to serve the older population in recent years in the light of such social movement. The author concludes the paper with suggestions of the areas that library professionals need to consider for better services to the seniors in the future.1411888 bytesapplication/pdfen-US老人學銀髮族高齡社會圖書館資訊服務政策GerontologyAging SocietiesLibrariesInformation ServicesPolicies迎接高齡化社會的來臨:對圖書館「老年服務」之思考Library Trends in the Aging Society: Library Services for the Elderlyjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/185961/1/v2-34-2.pdf