生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 羅竹平邱亭瑄Chiu, Ting-HsuanTing-HsuanChiu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275928在網際網路蓬勃的發展下,微型商家與大型企業紛紛將商業活動延伸至網路平台,消費者的消費模式亦往網路平台發展,使得臺灣電子商務進入快速發展期,然而微型商家因受限於營運、技術安全等風險,使其在信用卡之金流支付面臨阻礙,因而促成「第三方支付」的發展,也為電子商務在金流支付處理,帶來了全新的契機。 本研究將利用探討臺灣及中國第三方支付市場的經營現狀,再分析臺灣目前的市場狀況,找尋臺灣未來第三方支付的可行機會,並以中國支付寶為標竿之情況下,推估臺灣未來第三方支付市場的交易規模,做為未來第三方支付業者在經營第三方支付市場時的參考依據。 本研究結果顯示,由於目前中國陸客消費規模龐大及中國支付寶備受中國消費者重視,因此臺灣第三方支付業者多以中國市場來發展第三方支付的跨境商機,然而本研究認為臺灣第三方支付市場不應該僅依賴中國市場,國內第三方支付亦有其市場可發展,原因在於臺灣非信用卡交易市場大、電子商務市場穩健成長、行動裝置普及等因素,另外亦可放眼於東南亞市場之跨境支付,看好原因則為其高人口紅利、行動裝置普及和網路環境等基礎設備完善等因素。 而本研究亦顯示若以中國第三方支付市場為標竿下,且因受到電子商務全球化發展及國內行動裝置普及等因素推動國內電子商務市場穩健成長,透過電商市場帶動、線上支付安全性及行動支付趨勢亦使國內第三方支付備受看好,因此推估未來於2022年至2025年時,臺灣第三方支付交易佔電子商務市場交易比重即可達頂標;2021年至2023年時,臺灣第三方支付交易規模即可突破1兆規模。With the development of electronic commerce and the change in consumption patterns, both micro businesses and large enterprises actively consider developing their business through online platform. This global trend also generates a high-developing electronic commerce in Taiwan. Considering the limitation of the operating and technical risk for micro business to take advantage of credit card service, Third-Party Payment Industry provides a new path to resolve the issue of payment in electronic commerce. First, this research explores the the current situation of Third-Party Payment industry in Taiwan and Mainland China to explore the possibility of developing Third-Party Payment in Taiwan,which can find Taiwan''s viable opportunities for Third-Party Payment in the future. Second, as a reference to the operator in the market, this research further estimates the potential transaction size of Third-Party Payment Industry in Taiwan. The results revealed that the current market focuses on the cross-border transaction between Taiwan and Mainland China due to the large market size and consumer preference in Mainland China. However, the research strongly suggests that developing the domestic market of Third-Party Payment is an alternative for Taiwanese business; high proportion of non-credit card transaction, the gradual growth of electronic commerce and the popularity of mobile devices are the major reasons for the optimistic expectation in this market. In addition, Southeast Asian market of cross-border payment will be another breakthrough in developing Third-Party Payment due to its high demographic dividend, the popularity of mobile devices and the grown infrastructure including internet in Southeast Asia. This study also demonstrated the estimation of the transaction size of the Third-Party Payment industry in Taiwan by making use of Alipay in Mainland China as a benchmark. It estimated that the proportion of Third-Party Payment to the whole electronic commerce would achieve its peak from 2022 to 2025; the transaction size would exceed one trillion in TWD from 2021 to 2023. The rapid development can be attributed to the globalization of Electronic Commerce, the popularity of mobile devices, the trend of mobile payment and the maturing security of online payment.論文使用權限: 不同意授權第三方支付電子支付電子商務Third-Party PaymentElectronic PaymentElectronic Commerce臺灣第三方支付產業現況與發展Current Status of the Third-Party Payment in Taiwan and its Future Developmentthesis10.6342/NTU201600551