2004-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/659486摘要:由於社會結構的改變,水資源的調配與運用越來越依賴水庫的儲存與調節,故改善水庫操作方式,以提高水庫對於水資源的經營與運用效率實為重要的研究課題。近年北台灣面臨缺水問題時,多以休耕方式來解決用水不足的窘境,然如何決定最佳之休耕面積與方式,達最佳水資源利用,至今仍無深入地探討;因此,為確保水資源永續利用機能,以達維持農田水利永續經營與發展之目標,本計畫以模糊規劃理論,重新探討一水庫最佳操作模式,並運用多種優選方法,尋求缺水時期水庫配合休耕之營運操作策略,以期於乾旱時期能獲得最有效益的水資源調度運用。<br> Abstract: The constant population growth and the dramatic economic development have resulted in a tremendous demand for natural resources, especially water. Reservoirs have become the most important and effective human-made water storage facilities for distributing water among different users in Taiwan. Recently, we would only let land fallow to deal with the shortage problem as drought occurred. Apparently, the best policy regarding to the fallow has not been investigated deeply. Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainable use and management of water resource, we intend to use the fuzzy programming theorem to devise a suitable reservoir operation model in this project. The optimization approach, such as genetic algorithm, will be applied to search the best solution for the fuzzy programming model, and to make the optimizing strategy of reservoir operation for land fallow during shortage period.模糊規劃理論遺傳演算法模擬退火法混合式遺傳退火演算法Fuzzy ProgrammingGenetic AlgorithmSimulated AnnealingHybrid GA-SA缺水時期水庫配合休耕之營運策略(1/2)