社會科學院: 政治學研究所指導教授: 王宏文鄭郁亭Cheng, Yu-TingYu-TingCheng2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273790礁溪地區溫泉資源蘊藏豐富,惟隨著觀光產業興盛,溫泉使用量大幅增加,造成礁溪溫泉區地下水位、水溫普遍下降,多處湧泉亦出現乾涸之情形。針對礁溪溫泉資源超量使用所引發之警訊,既有使用社群似未能重視枯竭問題甚而組成自我治理組織以為因應;現行制度規則亦因缺乏對於礁溪溫泉個案特殊性之考量而無法有效落實。準此,本研究以E. Ostrom提出之制度分析與發展(Institutional analysis and development, IAD)架構為基礎,運用既有文獻中論及影響成功解決共有困境(Commons Dilemma)可能性之特性,以及提升自我治理可能性之資源與使用者特質,探討礁溪溫泉個案之特殊性與當前制度施行上可能面臨之困境。 本研究首先由溫泉資源所具備之共享性資源(Common-pool resources)特質切入,透過深度訪談發現礁溪溫泉存在引發資源嚴重變動之短期干擾因素,且資源近用點數量繁多與汲取行為具隱蔽性,加以蘊藏型態複雜與具儲藏時效限制,而未能發揮所屬資源類型有利治理之特性;此外,礁溪溫泉由於資源變動可覺察性低,枯竭之影響範圍亦存在區域不均之現象,而不利於使用者覺察枯竭警訊,甚或共同合作以改善資源情形。其次,本研究結合當地資源分布特性與社群價值觀感,嘗試解釋溫泉枯竭問題未受礁溪在地使用者重視,甚而組成自我治理組織之原因,並發現礁溪溫泉地區之資源及使用者特質,較不利於自我治理組織之形成。再者,本研究基於礁溪溫泉之生物物理與社群特性,進一步指出現行之邊界規則(boundary rules)未能考量礁溪資源及既有使用情形特性,分配規則以數量進行分配之適切性待商榷,以及監督制裁規則未能收其成效之原因與困境。最後則針對得透過人為努力改進之治理特性提出建議,以作為改進礁溪溫泉治理失靈現狀之參考。Jiaosi area contains rich hot spring resources. With flourishing tourism industry, the amount of hot spring resources being used increased significantly, resulting in the decline of both the groundwater level and temperature of hot spring in Jiaosi area. Regardless of the warning sign of over-consumed hot spring resources, local users seem to underestimate the situation and didn’t form self-organized system to cope with the problem. In addition, relative laws and rules fail to execute effectively because lacking of distinctiveness upon the case of Jiaosi area. Thus, this study applies Institutional analysis and development ( IAD) framework proposed by E. Ostrom as basis, and utilize relevant literature to analyze the governance difficulties in Jiaosi area. This study first focuses on the attribute that hot spring resources possessed as a common-pool resource, and bases on it to further find out disadvantageous biophysical conditions in Jiaosi through in-depth interview. Second, combining resource distribution characteristics and attributes of community, this study tries to explain the resons why local users don’t pay enough attention and form self-organized system to resolve the problem. Third, on the basis of biophysical conditions and community attributes in Jiaosi, this study points out that the existing boundary rules failed to consider the speciality of Jiaosi and thus couldn’t carry out ideal achievement. Finally, the study focuses on the attributes that can be improved by effort and provides suggestions as follow-up reference materials.4242422 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權溫泉制度分析與發展架構共享性資源礁溪共有困境HOT SPRINGIAD FRAMEWORKCOMMON-POOL RESOURCESJIAOSI AREACOMMONS DILEMMA枯竭中之礁溪溫泉?論自治落空與制度失效之治理困境A Study on The Governance of Common-pool Resources: The Case of Hot Spring Resources in Jiaosi Areathesis10.6342/NTU201602453http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273790/1/ntu-105-R01322010-1.pdf