2011-04-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684303摘要:未來城市綠化勢必往立體綠化--屋頂綠化、垂直綠化與立體花牆等方向發展;又為配合2010年國際花卉博覽會,各縣市政府大量使用立體綠化工法美化市容。因此,本計畫擬探討進行立體綠化之景觀植物,使用不同介質配合相異灌溉頻度、容器型式等對育苗期苗木品質的影響,並針對出貨前不同馴化方式建立維護管理規範。經由試驗研究以綜合評估不同育苗介質與馴化措施之效益,進一步確認立體綠化用苗適合之生產標準模式,並提出改進建議,期能提升台灣整體的苗木生產品質。<br> Abstract: The ‘vertical planting’ will not only become a trend of green city in the future, but also be used in a great quantity by each city and county government in Taiwan for Taipei International Flora Exposition in 2010. Therefore, this project is planned to investigate the effects of various soil mediums with different irrigated frequency, and types of breeding container to landscaping seedlings. Moreover, to set up a standard modal of production and acclimation before the vertical planting seedlings be marketed is the aim. Hence, the advices of vertical planting could be proposed to promote the whole quality of seedling production in Taiwan.立體綠化苗木生產容器馴化Vertical PlantingNursery ProductionContainerAcclimation作物種苗繁殖技術及種原保存利用-立體綠化苗木標準化生產技術之建立(二)