2015-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678275摘要:有機電子(organic electronics)因其具有輕薄與可撓的特性,許多研究團隊皆投入相關研究領域,然而傳統之有機半導體元件之發展皆著重於元件之驗證,使得大部分的研究仍圈囿於傳統半導體製程的窠臼,進行大面積低成本的製做,一直無法進一步的落實於實際應用之上。因此,有機電子噴印技術即成為下一階段的相關有機電子製程技術研究發展重點。在另外一方面,電子技術的研究上除了持續發展不同的基本電子元件技術外,三維積體電路技術(3D IC)成為近年來蓬勃發展之領域,更因此一技術可突破摩爾定律的框架,廣受產業重視。整合此兩大產業發展趨勢,本計畫提出以標準CMOS製程為基礎之噴墨異質整合三維技術。 本研究計畫案將基於軟性噴墨技術與半導體製程上的專才,整合自製之有機材料噴墨系統、電子電路系統設計與奈微米材料元件的製作能力,發展此一全新以標準CMOS製程為基礎之噴墨異質整合三維系統晶片技術。分別於三年的時間內完成1.與標準CMOS製程相容之噴墨電子製程技術與材料;2.提高有機噴墨電晶體之性能效益;3.實現於CMOS電子電路晶片上噴印不同的電子元件落實異質整合系統晶片之技術。此一計畫之研究,期能為國內獨步全球之半導體製程產業發展出全新的應用領域與製程技術,並進而提升產業價值。 <br> Abstract: Because of the flexible characteristics, many researchers have focus on the development of organic electronics. Traditionally, most of these researches target at the improvement of materials and devices. Therefore, they are limited by fabrication technologies with vacuum systems. This impedes the large-area and low-cost mass productions and further developments in applications. To conquer this problem, inkjet-printing technology has become the potential technique for the next generation technology for organic electronics. On the other hand, the development of standard CMOS technology follows Moore’s law toward ultra-high density of integrated circuit. To keep the momentum of semiconductor industry, “More than Moore” techniques, such as 3-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC), have been proposed and obtained attentions from both academia and industries. By integrating these two major development directions, this project proposed “3D system-on-chip technology based on the integration of inkjet-printing organic electronics and standard CMOS” to promote both academic research and manufacturing technology in the electronics industries. In 3D IC, the concept of stacking has been proposed and researched. However, the heating problem and high manufacturing cost result in different challenges to implement this technique into industrial mass productions. By extending similar idea and harnessing the advantage of heterogeneous characteristics, it is intriguing to integrate the organic inkjet-printing technology with standard CMOS processes. In detail, the large-area capability of inkjet-printing technology can promote the direct printing on the top of fabricated wafers; the low-temperature processes of organic materials can seamlessly integrated with standard CMOS processes; and the in-situ configurable material deposition enhance the complexity of electronic functions in the post-process of CMOS. As a consequence, this project integrated a home-made automatic inkjet-printing system, design capabilities of devices and circuits, and knowledge of nano/micro materials to tackle the heterogeneous 3D system-on-chip technology. Within three years, this project aims to achieve 1. CMOS compatible inkjet-printing techniques and materials; 2. Improvement of inkjet-printing organic-electronic devices; 3. Implement the heterogeneous 3D stacking system-on-chip technology. This research will promote the privilege in Taiwan semiconductor industries to develop innovative fabrication technologies and applications.有機噴墨製程異質三維系統晶片inkjet-printingorganic electronicsheterogeneous CMOS chip學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【有機電子噴墨技術與標準半導體電子製程技術整合之異質三維系統晶片架構之研發】