指導教授:田維誠臺灣大學:電子工程學研究所何羽軒Ho, Yu-HsuanYu-HsuanHo2014-11-302018-07-102014-11-302018-07-102014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/263904本論文主旨在於應用光激發技術及微奈米製程製作一室溫操作之半體體氣體感測器。內容包含氣體感測器平台開發、氣體感測層奈米製程及應用於感測器之高效率有機發光二極體設計。在感測器平台開發上,我們製作了微米透明ITO指叉狀電極感測晶片,以利於整合有機發光二極體成單一元件。在氣體感測層奈米製程上,我們使用奈米球模板技術,成功製作大面積、有規則性之氧化鋅奈米網,並達成高靈敏度之室溫氣體偵測;另也運用AAO模板表面能差異,在其表上沉積出複雜、高面積體積比之氧化鋅奈米絮狀結構,大幅度增加了其光吸收及達成室溫氣體偵測;同時我們亦首次嘗試使用濕式奈米研磨技術,以旋轉塗佈法簡易製作了高面積體積比之氧化鎢薄膜,成功達成可見光激發之氣體感測。在高效率有機發光二極體我們設計了一系列高效率光萃取結構,包含AAO壓印折射率漸變結構、密度漸變蝕刻矽基板壓印折射率漸變結構及奈米金屬網狀電極,使發光元件之亮度大幅增加了一倍以上。In the dissertation, we developed three novel nanofabrication techniques to fabricate the self-aggregated floccule-like ZnO nanostructures, ZnO nanomesh, and nanogrinded WO3 nanoparticles as the gas sensing layers of the photoactivated gas sensors operated in room temperature. The proposed nanofabrication techniques not only increase the surface-to-volume ratio of the metal-oxide materials, but also improve its light absorption and the activation effects for the gas sensing. In order to integrate the photoactivated gas sensor and the activation light sources, the sensing platform with the transparent ITO interdigitated electrodes were fabricated by using conventional photolithography process. The surface-emitting light source, RGB OLED, was first applied as the activation source to achieve visible light-activated gas sensing. And we designed and fabricated three light extraction techniques applied in OLEDs to greatly improve the luminous efficiency. By applying internal and external light extraction micro-/nanostructures, the efficiency of OLEDS was increased by 100% at some specific angles.口試委員審定書 I 誌謝 II 摘要 IV Abstract V Content VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Photoactivated metal-oxide based gas sensors 4 1.2 Optical characteristics of organic light-emitting device 10 1.3 Nanoscale fabrication methods 22 1.4 Dissertation organization 29 Chapter 2 Experiment and Measurement System 30 2.1 Fabrication process of gas sensor 30 2.1.1 Sensor platform with conventional opaque metallic electrodes 32 2.1.2 Sensor platform with transparent ITO electrodes 33 2.1.3 Nanogrinded metal oxide as gas sensing materials 35 2.1.4 Metal oxide nanomesh using nanosphere lithography 37 2.1.5 Fabrication process of anodic aluminum oxide 42 2.2 Fabrication process of OLEDs 44 2.2.1 Fabrication process of small molecule OLEDs 44 2.2.2 Thermal nanoimprint process 48 2.2.3 Density-graded etching process 50 2.3 Measurement setup 52 2.3.1 Calibration system of gas sensor 53 2.3.2 Measurement setup for spectral sensing response 56 2.3.3 Measurement setup of OLEDs 57 2.3.4 Analysis of surface morphology 59 Chapter 3 OLED with Light Extraction Techniques 60 3.1 Efficiency enhancement of flexible organic light-Emitting devices by using antireflection nanopillars 60 3.2 Omnidirectional antireflection PC films nanoimprinted by density-graded nanoporous silicon 70 3.3 Enhanced light out-coupling of OLED using metallic nanomesh electrodes and microlens array 82 3.4 Conclusions 94 Chapter 4 Photoactivated Gas Sensor 97 4.1 Photoactivated sensing improvement of floccule-like ZnO nanostructures by using AAO template 97 4.2 Photoactivated metal-oxide gas sensing nanomesh by using nanosphere lithography 105 4.3 A room-temperature-operated tungsten trioxide based gas sensor integrated with OLED activation 111 4.4 Conclusions 116 Chapter 5 Summary and Future Work 118 5.1 Summary 118 5.2 Future work 119 References 1219520126 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2017/07/16論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)光激發氣體感測器室溫操作微機電有機發光二極體微奈米製程技術整合有機發光二極體之光激發室溫半導體氣體感測器之設計:應用於氣體感測平台之金屬氧化物奈米製程及具光萃取技術之發光元件Integration of photoactivated metal oxide based gas sensor with organic light emitting device: nanoscale fabrication process and light extraction techniques of optoelectronic device applied in sensor platformthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/263904/1/ntu-103-D00943024-1.pdf