2016-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682523摘要:稻熱病,為水稻重要病害,由病原真菌Magnaporthe oryzae (Hebert) Barr所引起。田間稻熱病主要的防治措施之一為栽種抗病品系,但由於田間稻熱病菌高度變異及快速演替,抗病水稻品系無法維持長久之抗性,並且單一水稻品系的大面積商業化種植,當環境及氣候等因子適合時,常造成病害的流行及嚴重的損失。因此,抗病育種工作之推動,區域性商業化品種之種植,及抗病水稻品系田間抗性之維持,皆有賴持續與及時掌握田間稻熱病菌之族群特性及動態變化情形。本計劃的目標,以譜系分子標記Pot2及AVR基因為標的,並設置IRRI LTH IRBL lines判別品系監測田,持續監測臺灣田間稻熱病菌族群。此外,選定目前田間重要商業化品種,分析其稻熱病菌生理小種的遺傳特徵,開發稻熱病菌族群及生理小種的快速檢測及監測技術,應用田間病原菌族群之及時監測。希望藉由本研究的結果,可掌握臺灣田間稻熱病菌族群的分布及動態變化,提供為病害發生預測、水稻抗病育種及品種推廣之重要參考依據。<br> Abstract: Rice blast disease, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae (Hebert) Barr, is one of the most serious diseases of cultivated rice in many countries including Taiwan. One of the control measures for this disease is to deploy resistant rice varieties in the fields. However, the field populations of rice blast fungus are highly dynamic and quickly evolved, and field resistance has been quickly broken down within few years. When environmental and climate conditions are favorable, severe epidemics and significant yield loss usually occur in the monoculture commercial fields. This situation makes resistance breeding and control of rice blast more challenging. To sustain breeding program, deploy resistant varieties effectively and prolong or maintain field resistance, it is necessary to effectively monitor the genetic structure and variability of pathogen population in the fields. In this study, we aim to utilize Pot2 lineage marker and avirulence (AVR) genes and set up IRRI LTH IRBL lines surveillance plots to continually monitor the field population of rice blast fungus in Taiwan. We also aim to determine the genetic features of physiological races infected elite rice varieties for commercial production and develop on-site detection and surveillance techniques for monitoring field population. To the end, we hope to better understand the population structure of rice blast fungus in Taiwan and provide the information for disease epidemiology and screening and deployment of resistant rice varieties.水稻稻熱病稻熱病菌生理小種親緣分析LTHIRBL lines判別品系監測技術ricerice blast diseaseMagnaporthe oryzaephysiological racephylogenetic analysisLTH IRBL differential linessurveillance technique水稻重要病害之分子抗性育種與病原族群分析 - 臺灣地區稻熱病菌生理小種族群監測及快速檢測技術之開發