2012-01-012024-05-16https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/668795摘要:本計畫的目的在延續已開發的諧波脈衝雷達搜索系統,來支援蜜蜂相關的研究議題。這些議題分為尋獲蜂群衰竭失調之蜜蜂和蜜蜂追跡。有關蜜蜂尋獲的研究,本計畫會將現有雷達系統的筆形波束,修改至扇形波束,使此雷達系統可具有同時搜索不同高度的目標物的功能;另外,本計畫也會開發可攜式的小型諧波雷達,以達成在實驗中,近距離精細地尋找目標物的需求。有關追跡方面的研究,為了能動態觀察蜜蜂飛行的軌跡,本計畫將研發相位陣列天線,以突破傳統機械式雷達掃描的轉速限制。除了使用相位陣列雷達來加快角度掃描的速度外,本計畫也會將現有的基頻訊號處理系統由個人電腦改為以高速的數位可程式化邏輯閘基板,來增加距離解算速度。本計畫尋獲衰竭失調蜜蜂的研究將會在第一年內完成田野測試;而動態觀察蜜蜂飛行的軌跡的相位陣列雷達,將會在二年半內完成,在二年半期間內,會先開發小型的相位陣列雷達做功能性的驗證,再將這些小型的相位陣列雷達組合成大型的相位陣列雷達,以增加偵測距離以及及角度解析度。<br> Abstract: The goal of this project is to extend our harmonic pulsed system to support the research of bees. The research topics include acquiring the bees suffered by colony collapse disorder (CCD) and the tracing of bees. To support the research of acquiring CCD bees, we will modify the beam shape of the existing radar system from a pencil beam to a fan beam. As a result, we can achieve the requirement to search the targets at different heights at the same time. On the other hand, we will develop portable harmonic radars for the search of the target in short distance. To support the research of bee tracing, a phased array will be developed to overcome the limitation of the motor scanning speed. Moreover, the required time to calculate the distance will also be reduced with the implementation of the signal processor in the high speed FPGA. In the first year, the improvement of the existing radar system for acquiring CCD bees research will be accomplished. The phased array radar will be finished in the middle of the third year. We will first develop small phased array radars, and then integrate the small phased array radars to a large phased array radar system.諧波脈衝雷達扇形波束相位陣列天線Harmonic pulsed radarfan beamphased array antenna適用於蜜蜂尋獲與追跡之諧波雷達系統