國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University黃慕萱張郁蔚2010-06-232018-05-302010-06-232018-05-302006-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/185950本文的主要目的在研究人文社會學者之學術評鑑指標,探討各種學術評鑑指標之意義及其在人文社會學者學術評鑑之適用性,並提出對人文社會學者學術評鑑方法與指標上之建議。本文首先分析同儕評鑑方法用於人文社會學科之適用性,並指出書目計量分析運用於人文社會學科之客觀性與適用性。其次分析人文社會學科使用之學術評鑑指標,並針對出版品之評鑑方法進行討論,最後提出對人文社會學者學術評鑑方法與指標上之建議。為符合人文社會學科出版品多元的特性,本文提出以出版品分類之做法,破除所有出版品等值之觀念,並建議以期刊排序破除所有期刊均同等重要之假設,強調同一種類之出版品亦存有品質差異之事實。另在人文社會科學具有區域性研究之特性下,國際性之發表亦應受到鼓勵,才能讓研究成果有更大的影響力。This article discusses the performance indicators for the evaluation of humanities and social sciences (H&SS) researchers. First, this article discusses the use and the problems of peer review methods in evaluating H&SS research and argues that bibliometric methods are both an objective and appropriate methodology for the evaluation. Second, it reviews and compares existing research evaluation indicators and discusses the characteristics of H&SS research which an ideal set of indicators should address, in particular, the diverse publication types in H&SS research output. The authors argue for the need to assign different weightings to different types of publications in order to counterbalance the bias embedded in previous bibliometric measures which assumes all publications are of equal importance. Likewise, it argues that journal ranking can be used to differentiate journals of different levels of importance for each specific field in order to correct the previously flawed assumption that all journals are equally important. This article concludes that H&SS research evaluation requires indicators different from natural science research evaluation and that, although H&SS research often focuses on regional issues, indicators can be designed to encourage the internationalization of the local H&SS research in order to enhance its global visibility and impact.1021670 bytesapplication/pdfen-US學術評鑑人文社會科學書目計量專家評鑑學術評鑑指標Research EvaluationHumanities and Social Science, BibliometricsPeer ReviewResearch Indicators人文社會學者學術評鑑指標之探討Performance Indicators for Evaluation of Humanities and Social Sciences Researchersjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jlis.2006.4(1.2).017http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/185950/1/v4-12-2.pdf