2017-06-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/689562摘要:為了提高早期技術的市場價值及產業後續投資與運用意願,依據Taiwan Foresight計畫之精神及經驗,本次計畫由國立臺灣大學研發處產學合作總中心設立萌芽功能中心,藉由專任技術經理率先探勘校園內具有前瞻及創新發展之研發成果,輔以商業經理全程輔導商化規劃及發展,透過萌芽功能中心資源挹注及產學總中心之協助,選擇及協助具有潛力之技術團隊進入萌芽輔導。經由以下步驟: Seed Selection、Due diligence、Prima Facie Case的提出,以及Pre-Germination、Germination、Proof of Concept的萌芽程序,產生包含商業發展及技術發展規畫之完整計畫書,且確認各研發成果之市場定位及發展方式;並視個案需求,由校內已建置之智財策略及行政法務小組之專業人員,適時提供必要之協助。 本計畫除了聘請業師擔任商業發展之顧問,並加入篩選機制,針對團隊的熱情與積極度進行評估,並針對獲選之萌芽個案計畫提供商業計畫書、財務、會計、法務與智財布局上的協助。本計劃也會邀請創投加入早期個案的輔導,對於具商業潛力之萌芽個案提供募資觀點的協助,功能中心並定期辦理教育訓練課程。 本計畫預計以準備成立新創公司的技術團隊進行推薦與輔導,期望於計畫完成後一年內,能建立4-5家衍生新創公司,進而達成促進我國產業經濟發展之目標。本次經校內初審通過六件的推薦案,皆為一時之選,值得給予補助與支持。<br> Abstract: In order to improve the market value and to increase industrial investment of the early-stage technologies, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and National Taiwan Normal University found and execute the Germination Function Unit together by reference of the spirit and experience of Taiwan Foresight Project. The Germination Function Unit composes four professional sub-unit which are IP Intelligence team, Business Intelligence team, Technology Mining and Development team, Administration & Legal team. The mission of Germination Function Unit is to prospecting the campus research result with foresight and innovative qualities and to select the most potential technologies and teams (germination technology teams) for the germination process. Through the follow germination steps: Seed Selection, Due diligence, Prima Facie Case Report Preparation, Pre-Germination, Germination, Proof of Concept, each germination technology team will develop one Pro Forma Business Plan. Follow the Plan and the help of Germination Function Unit, the technologies will be ready for commercialization. In this project, we will invite successful business man to coach these teams which prepared to build the new company. We also assess the aggressive of the teams about the ambition of Start-Up preparation. If the teams are selected and put into the Germination process, the business side for each team will be strengthened. We will also invite VC to joint the project to help the design of the new company’s equity. The Germination Function Unit will provide many training courses and establish the connection network between the Start-Up and VC. In the overall, we will contact and select those potential innovation teams and provide important resources to those teams. Finally, we expect the project will create 4~5 Start-Up companies and promote the economic growth in the future.萌芽功能中心商業化萌芽程序Germination Function UnitcommercializationGermination process國立臺灣大學萌芽創業推廣計畫(2/2)-總計畫