蔡偉博2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282003-11-01http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9352在組織工程中,鷹架的選擇可能會嚴重地影響新生組織的成功與否,理想上,鷹架基 材必須能夠幫助細胞貼附、生長和其分化功能。鷹架的特性,例如材料種類、孔徑大小和 孔隙度,會影響細胞的貼附、生長以及分化功能,其中是細胞在基材上特定分化的功能, 對於所形成組織的功能有決定性的影響。生物可分解高分子因為具有生物相容性、易加工 和再造性等優點,應用在組織工程鷹架的製作上已經有一段歷史,許多研究也集中在 PLLA ,PGA 和PLGA 等美國FDA 通過的材料,與軟骨細胞間的交互作用,但是大多數的 研究只集中在軟骨細胞貼附和生長,關於材料特性對於軟骨細胞分化功能的影響,所做的 研究仍然嫌不足,這對於組織工程的發展必定造成阻礙。 本研究計畫的重點就在探討鷹架的特性,對於關節軟骨細胞的影響,尤其是對於軟骨 細胞特定分化功能的表現。本研究發現軟骨細胞在PDLLA 上不論就細胞數或是軟骨細胞 特有的基因表現上,都優於其他材料,相反的PCL ,是表現最差的材料,此結果可以作為 挑選材料的依據。The choice of scaffold materials has the potential to dramatically affect the outcome of engineered tissues. Ideally, the scaffold material must support cell adhesion, growth, and differentiated cell functions. Many properties of scaffolds for tissue engineering might influence these cell behaviors, such as the types of materials, pore sizes and porosity of scaffolds. Synthetic biodegradable polymers, with the advantages of biocompatibility, easy processing, and reproducible, are a group of a group of materials for use as tissue engineering scaffolds. Much research has focused on chondrocyte interactions with the scaffolds made of those biodegradable polymers that are FDA approved: polyglycolic acid (PGA), poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), and their copolymer, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). Nevertheless, most of the studies focused on how well chondrocytes attach to and grow in the scaffolds. On the other hand, few studies are concerning another important aspect, how the scaffolds support chondrocyte-specific functions. The lack of knowledge regarding the effects of scaffold properties on differentiated cell functions hampers the development in the field of engineered tissues.application/pdf212450 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學化學工程學系暨研究所組織工程用、生物可分解鷹架之特性對於軟骨細胞特定分化功能表現之影響研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9352/1/912218E002032.pdf