2011-10-192024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684107摘要:本年度委辦計畫主要目的,為彙整及展示水利署在執行「臺灣地區地下水觀測網整體計畫(81-97)」及兩期「地層下陷防治執行方案」之成果。為了達到宣傳效果及因應國際化之趨勢,本計畫工作內容包括:編撰及出版地下水觀測網及地層下陷防治執行成果中英文版報告、臺灣地區地下水觀測網整體計畫精要版成果彙編、協助台灣水文年報(地下水部分)資料更新、英文化及刊行、彙整、更新及製作歷年地下水觀測網報告電子書整合(檢索)光碟、彙整補充地下水觀測網網站資料等工作。期望透過上述工作之執行,提供涵蓋各階層行政、立法單位解說之需求,提供全國民眾、大眾傳播媒體之放送及實用宣導品之包裝,將建置理念與民眾地下水保育意識結合,同時將保育觀念融入民眾日常生活,建立地下水保育公德、強化社會責任之全民共識,縮減政令與民意之認知差距,降低施政阻力。<br> Abstract: The purpose of this project is to Compile and Present the “Groundwater Monitoring Network Integrated Plan” and two phases of “Land Subsidence Prevention and Reclamation.” The contents of this project include the following tasks: Integrate data on land subsidence prevention and groundwater monitoring, for the launching of the plans, measures from government, implementation results, future development, etc. Update to the latest information and to publish printed report in English. To compile the “Groundwater Monitoring Network Integrated Plan” to essential report and to produce the video to present the Land Subsidence Prevention and groundwater monitoring network. To standardize and publish the annual report of hydrology (groundwater part). To update and make the e-book disc about the projects of groundwater monitoring network of Water Resources Agency and Central geographical Survey MOEA. And update and replenish the web site data of Groundwater Monitoring Network. The above work is to demonstrate the achievements and established groundwater preservation in recent years and reduced policy resistance.地下水觀測網地層下陷防治Groundwater Monitoring NetworkSubsidence Prevention地下水觀測網及地層下陷防治精要成果&#24410;集與展示