國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所李後晶2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-292004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/12596德國蜚蠊雌成蟲在活動行為的表 現上,會因卵巢的發育而出現活動行為 日週律動被掩蓋的現象。由於德國蜚蠊 卵巢的掩蓋效應是由荷爾蒙系統所調 控,推測卵巢所分泌最大量的激素「蛻 皮激素」就是掩蓋因子。為了了解蛻皮 激素如何影響活動行為,必須先分析蛻 皮激素之受器基因,因為蛻皮激素會調 控特定組織的蛻皮激素受器,進而影響 下游基因的表現。本年度的工作是進行 蛻皮激素之受器 (ecdysone receptor, EcR) 的分析,利用源自於鱗翅目的抗 體進行 western bloting;接著以免疫染 色的方法找出蛻皮激素在德國蜚蠊成蟲 體內作用之位置;最後做蛻皮激素受器的 蛋白質定序。前述實驗流程在雙紋姬蠊 也進行相同的操作。由於德國蜚蠊與雙 紋姬蠊處女雌蟲的日週律動表現上出 現差異,比較這兩種蜚蠊之蛻皮激素與 掩蓋效應的關係,可以了解造成日週律 動表現在種間差異的生理機制為何。The expression of locomotor circadian rhythm in female German cockroach is masked by the development of ovaries. Since the masking effect is mediated through the regulation of hormone, we propose the ecdysone, the major hormone secreted from ovaries, is the masking factor. Firstly, by analyzing the ecdysone receptor (EcR) gene to realize ecdysone how to influence the locomotor circadian rhythm, because ecdysone will control the EcR gene which influence expression of the gene on the downriver. Firstly, using the antibody from Lepidoptera to work the western bloting. In addition, we will employ immunostain method against ecdysone receptor to reveal the action sites. These sites may shine light on the interference of circadian signals with masking factor-ecdysone. In order to prove the masking role of ecdysone, ovariectomized females who showed unmasked locomotor circadian rhythm will be treated with ecdysone analog to regain the masked rhythm. Finally, protein sequencing of EcR was done. Since the sibling species of the Germany cockroach, the double-striped cockroach is a feral species and expresses locomotor circadian rhythm in virgin females, it is a great advantage to use this species as a comparative study to further demonstrate the function of ecdysone on the locomotor circadian rhythm. The same experimental procedures, therefore, will be repeated on the double-striped cockroach. The main focus of this proposal is to investigate the physiological mechanism of masking effect on the locomotor circadian rhythm by ecdysone.application/pdf98871 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所德國蜚蠊雙紋姬蠊活動行為日週律動掩蓋效應蛻皮激素Germany cockroachdouble-striped cockroachlocomotor circadian rhythmmasking effectecdysone蛻皮激素對德國蜚蠊與雙紋姬蠊之活動行為日週律動的影響(2/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/12596/1/922313B002054.pdf