周賢福Chou, Shyan-Fu臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所劉相汝Liu, Hsiang-JuHsiang-JuLiu2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282008U0001-2807200813335800http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187074近20年來,不論是理論或是實驗研究都一再地證明了奈米碳管有著令人激賞的電子,熱傳以及機械性質。至今,單壁奈米碳管水平奈米碳管以及奈米碳管化合物已經有很多性質被發現並應用於許多地方,例如:奈米尺寸的熱導體,開關,記憶體等電子元件。 我們研究重點在於不同管徑的奈米碳管叢的機械性質。奈米碳管叢尺寸大,成長方式簡便,所以常被應用於微奈米機電元件。也正因為如此,研究奈米碳管叢的整體機械性質,比起單根的奈米碳管更具重要性。米碳管的管徑不論是對於單壁奈米碳管或是多壁奈米碳管研究,都是一個很重要的影響因素,有許多研究都希望能控制這項因素。目前成功的方法有:改變溶液中金屬催化劑的顆粒大小,或者是在特殊的基板上成長奈米碳管,但是這些方法的成本都較高。本研究利用低成本的方式,在矽基板上蒸鍍不同膜厚的鐵催化劑,經過加熱後,形成不同顆粒大小的鐵催化劑,成長不同管徑的奈米碳管。 至於不同管徑以及密度是否會影響奈米碳管叢的整體機械性質,我們在研究中也利用奈米壓印法量測奈米碳管的彈性模數以及硬度,發現管徑越大,機械強度也隨之增加。Desirable electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of carbonnanotubes(CNTs) have fueled a continually growing of theoretical and experimental studies of CNTs in the last 20 years. To data, many properties of single CNTs, horizontal aligned CNTs, and CNT composites have been reported for special applications: thermal conductor, switches and memories in nanoscale electronic devices.n our research, we focus on the mechanical properties of different diameter of carbon nanotube turf. The wide range of size and large number of carbon nanotube turf grown by chemical vapor deposition are structures for use in microelectronic devices and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). It is necessary to understand the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube turf rather than a single tube.he diameter of carbon nanotube is an important factor to influence the single-wall carbon nanotube and the multi-walled carbon nanotube on mechanical properties. Many papers reported that the size of catalyst particles and CNTs grown on special template controlling the diameter of carbon nanotubes. But these methods have a higher cost. In order to reduce the cost of fabricating CNTs, we choose different thickness of iron catalyst, which was formed on top of multilayered substrates of Si/SiO2/Al2O3 by e-beam evaporation. After heating, different size of iron catalyst particle depend on thickness of iron catalyst films. Finally, the different diameters of carbon nanotubes were grown by different size of catalyst particle.o the difference diameters of carbon nanotube influence the behavior of an assemblage of CNTs? We measure the mechanical properties of different diameters of carbon nanotube turf using the nanoindentation. The nanoindentation tests reveal that the large diameter exist stronger mechanical properties.誌謝 i文摘要 ii文摘要 iii錄 v例目錄 vii格目錄 ix一章 緒論 1.1前言 1.2研究動機與目標 3二章 文獻回顧 4.1奈米碳管結構 4.2奈米碳管的製備 6.3奈米碳管楊氏模數 8.3.1奈米碳管楊氏模數測定 8.3.2利用奈米壓痕量測儀進行奈米碳管叢楊氏模數測定 12.4奈米壓痕技術 18.4.1基礎理論 18.4.2實驗誤差因素基材效應壓印尺寸效應表面粗糙效應黏彈性質效應熱漂移效應壓痕邊緣之堆積與下沉效應 29三章 實驗流程與設備 31.1實驗流程設計 31-2試片製程設計 32.3化學氣相沉積法成長奈米碳管叢 34.4奈米壓痕硬度量測儀 39.5 觀察以及量測儀器 42四章 實驗結果與討論 45.1奈米碳管叢成長參數討論 45.1.1奈米碳管叢成長高度 45.1.2奈米碳管叢之奈米碳管管徑 47.1.3奈米碳管叢表面粗糙度 51.1.4奈米碳管叢密度 53.2奈米碳管叢機械性質分析 55.2.1奈米碳管叢高度與機械強度 58.2.2奈米碳管管徑與機械強度 60.3結果討論 63五章 結論與未來展望 69.1結論 69.2未來展望 71考文獻 727082664 bytesapplication/pdfen-US奈米碳管叢管徑催化劑奈米壓印機械性質Carbon nanotube turfDiameterCatalystNanoindentationMechanical property以奈米壓痕法量測不同催化劑薄膜厚度以成長不同管徑的奈米碳管叢之機械性質Mechanical property of different diameters of nanotube turfs with different catalyst films using nanoindentationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187074/1/ntu-97-R95522109-1.pdf