葉素玲臺灣大學:心理學研究所陳奕全Chen, Yi-ChuanYi-ChuanChen2007-11-272018-06-282007-11-272018-06-282004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/55866漢字多為形聲字,其部件分為部首與聲旁兩種。本研究旨在探討部件的處理是否為漢字辨識歷程中的必經階段,以及部首與聲旁表徵型式區分的機制。研究採用重複視盲(repetition blindness, RB)實驗派典。RB指的是在快速序列視覺呈現中,受試者無法察覺並報告出第二次出現的重複刺激。RB的機制為型式表徵無法在短時間內連結至不同的個別化表徵;藉由觀察重複部件產生RB的現象,可推論部件的處理存在於漢字辨識歷程中,以及部件的內在表徵型式。實驗要求受試者寫下看到的漢字,比較重複部件組與不重複部件組的正確率,作為部件發生RB的指標。實驗一、二的結果發現,不論整字字頻的高低,且不論漢字呈現在無關字串或片語中,重複出現的部件都會產生RB。此外,部首RB比聲旁RB的效果小、其存在時間也較短。實驗三發現部首和聲旁的RB效果不受與整字音、義訊息一致與否的影響,顯示部首與聲旁的區分不全由整字音義所決定。綜合所有實驗結果推論,部件層次的處理必然存在於漢字的辨識歷程中,且部首與聲旁在整字辨識的早期階段即可被區分為不同的表徵型式。Most of Chinese characters belong to the type called “phonetic compound” that consists of a semantic component and a phonetic component. We examined whether the component-level analysis is necessary in Chinese character recognition and the representations of the semantic component and the phonetic component by adopting the repetition blindness (RB) paradigm. RB is the failure to detect or report the second appearance of the repeated stimuli in rapid serial visual presentation. RB results from the binding difficulty between the same type node with two different episodic tokens within a short interval. By observing the effect of RB for repeated components in two different characters, we examined the existence of component processing during character recognition and the internal representations of the component types. Results showed that omponent RB was found for both high- and low-frequency characters, and when characters were presented in word lists and in phrases. However, RB for semantic components was weaker and shorter-lived than that for phonetic components (Experiments 1 and 2). The size of RB for semantic components or for phonetic components was not affected by the consistency between the meaing or sound between the component and the whole-character, indicating that the dissociation of semantic and phonetic component type can occur before the character-level processing. These results suggest that the component analysis is necessary for Chinese character recognition, and representations of semantic and phonetic components can be dissociated during early stages of character recognition.序論 1 漢字辨識歷程 2 重複視盲派典 16 以重複視盲派典研究漢字部件的表徵 26 研究目的 30 實驗一 整字字頻是否影響部件處理 33 方法 34 結果 37 討論 42 實驗二 意義脈絡是否影響部件處理 46 方法 46 結果 48 討論 49 實驗三 整字音義是否影響部件功能的區分 52 實驗三A 52 實驗三B 56 綜合討論 63 部件層次處理不受整字字頻影響 63 部件層次處理不受意義脈絡影響 65 部首和聲旁的區分在早期處理歷程即已顯現 66 漢字辨識歷程中部首與聲旁的表徵型式 67 結論 71 參考文獻 72 附表 80 附圖 87 附錄 100 作者簡歷 1041548507 bytesapplication/pdfen-US字音字形位置功能文字辨識意義脈絡快速序列視覺呈現字頻部件漢字字義character recognitionsemantic contextfunctionrapid serial visual presentationfrequencyorthographysemanticpositionChinese characterphonologycomponent以重複視盲探討漢字部首與聲旁的表徵Representations of Semantic and Phonetic Components in Chinese Character recognition: Evidence from Repetition Blindness Paradigmotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/55866/1/ntu-93-R91227006-1.pdf