林曉武2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/14825台灣河川每年向外傳輸達380 M t 顆粒性物質,此等高河川懸浮顆粒傳輸通 量幾與流經大部分北美大陸之Mississippi River 相當,然而,關於此等高傳輸 懸浮顆粒物質之研究卻極為缺乏,尤其是對於其最後之沈積,搬運與埋藏在東海 分佈之研究更是闕如。 本研究調查分析瞭解東海南部陸棚沈積物之分佈,並藉其瞭解控制與分佈之 機制。研究分析項目包括金屬(Al、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd),有機與無機碳。 藉由瞭解整個東海南部沈積物化學組成成分之分佈來瞭解台灣河川輸出之懸浮 物質在東海南部之影響並探討其最終之可能宿命。 研究結果顯示台灣河川對東海陸棚沉積物有非常重要之影響, 淡水河向外 傳輸在陸棚上有非常明顯之特徵, 具有低鋁含量, 非常高之錳, 高鐵與鉛含量, 略高之鋅, 此類特色相對於東海南部之高鋁高鐵高鋅與台灣西部之略低之鋁, 錳與鋅來比較是非常之不同。從目前之數據已可看出此區域沉積物重金屬受淡水 河所影響而與鄰近其他區域沉積物有明顯之不同, 而且淡水河亦是此區域沉積 物重金屬之主要來源之一。Rivers in Taiwan are characterized by very high sediment export flux to the shelf. A combined total annual river suspended sediment flux of approximately 380 million tons/year from rivers in Taiwan is almost as much as that by the entire Mississippi River in US. Yet no data are available concerning the final deposition of these tremendous amount of suspended sediment exported from the island of Taiwan to the East China Sea continental shelf region. No information is available concerning sediment distribution, transport and deposition on the surrounding shelf regions. This research evaluates contributions of solid materials exported from rivers in Taiwan by studying the sediment geochemical properties and their spatial variations on the Southern East China Sea continental shelf. Surface sediments were collected and analyzed for their chemical properties, including metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd), organic carbon, carbonate content, and grain sizes. The results showed that rivers in Taiwan are exporting solid materials to the adjacent East China Sea and registered strong signature on surrounding areas. Sediments near the Tanshui river were characterized by low Al, extremely high Mn, high Fe, Pb and relatively high Zn as compared to those away from Taiwan region and those near the Fujin. In addition, data also indicated that part of the solid materials from Taiwan were transported away from shelf.application/pdf257069 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學海洋研究所East China seasedimentasian riverheavy metal東海南部陸棚沉積物受台灣河川輸出影響之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/14825/1/912611M002011.pdf