2019-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/654686摘要:智慧農業在農委會積極整合發展下即將邁入第三年,除了逐步引入智慧設備、傳感技術、物聯網(IoT)和大數據分析等科技結合傳統農業之外,另規劃培訓智慧農業發展所需之職能課程,作為智農經營人才之規格基準。此外,延續106年-107年度針對產業量身打造職能基準,並利用滾動式智農職能模型,為期未來擬定不同之智慧化推廣論述及策略,規劃辨理不同類型產業及生產環境現場之需求的智慧農業職能基準課程,提昇整體農業經營環境,促進農業永續發展。108年度智慧農業人才培育目標,將針對菇類、種苗、生乳、養殖漁、海洋漁等五項領航產業,規劃辦理職能基準認定,並依據個別職能基準設計完整訓練課程,藉由職能課程之規劃確保與達成農業升級所需關鍵能力的聯結,並透過訓練課程提升農業人才能力,聯結行動學習擴大學習效益回饋至主要領航產業的永續發展。 <br> Abstract: Smart Agriculture Program is promoted to the third year under the active integration and development of Council of Agriculture (COA). This program gradually introduces new technology combined with traditional agriculture, furthermore, it also emphasizes the importance of talent-fostering in ten leading industries through an innovative agricultural training strategy. To continue with the trend of 2017-2018 competency-based human resource management, the current project aims to construct an analytical model for the development of competency standards. Particularly, four industries (including mushroom, seedling, dairy, aquaculture, offshore fishery) based training programs are developed and implemented at occupational competency rolling model of Smart Agriculture. The benchmark curriculums will make it easier for trainees to leverage their experiences to learn new skills. Also, these courses will give them access to new opportunities in four selected leading industries. In the future, the project will formulate different discussions and strategies. For the purpose of Smart Agriculture functional benchmark course will identify the needs of different types of industries. As the result, the Smart Agriculture project offers stable, fresh, and safe food while boosting local consumption, these applications can also help to develop an export industry with international competitive strength.職能基準種苗生乳養殖漁海洋漁菇類occupational competencyseedlingdairyaquacultureoffshore fisherymushroom108年度智慧農業職能基準課程發展計畫