2009-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661704摘要:本年度之計畫實施重點在於選殖與分析豌豆蚜與桃蚜這兩大病媒害蟲之致死基因 。研究團隊已取得國際蚜蟲基因體聯盟之授權,得以利用生物資訊工具,在豌豆 蚜與桃蚜之基因體資料庫,找出具備致死潛能之基因。本年度之選殖與分析範圍 將涵蓋參與發育、RNA 代謝、以及細胞分化等基因。在選殖基因後,以原位雜合 技術分析基因表現,希望能更進一步確立基因屬性。同時,我們將開發免疫染色 之技術平台,用以分析基因產物。另外,建立藥劑篩檢之技術平台亦為計畫之要 項之一,希望將來能應用到篩檢驅動致死基因的藥劑。整體而言, 建立篩檢豌豆 蚜與桃蚜這兩大病媒蟲致死基因之技術平台,對於將來想誘導致死基因的表現 ,或改變正常基因序列使之具備致死潛能,具有重大之應用價值。<br> Abstract: We aim to clone and analyze genes with lethal potential in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and the green peach aphid Myzus persicae. By the approval of the International Aphid Genome Consortium, we can get access to the genome database of aphids. In the forthcoming year we aim to identify genes involved in development, RNA metabolism, and cell differentiation. After cloning genes, we will investigate gene expression using whole-mount in situ hybridization as to understand their potential functions. Meanwhile, we will establish a protocol for immunostaining as to analyze the expression of proteins. In order to screen chemicals that can trigger the expression of lethal genes, we aim to develop a technology platform to achieve this purpose. Taken together, all the above proposals serve as an important foundation to clone and analyze the lethal genes in aphids.蚜蟲致死基因基因體生物資訊aphidslethal genesgenomeBioinformatics檢防疫重要性蚜蟲致死基因選殖與分析:建立生物資訊與基因檢測之技術平台