國立臺灣大學哲學系Department of Philosophy , National Taiwan University傅佩榮Fu, P.J.P.J.Fu2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-291998-01http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281916孔子思想的每一方面,都不乏歷代學者反覆討論。有些概念,如「人性」與「天」,始終沒有定論,這不僅是受限於材料太少,也與研究者個人的生命取向有關。所謂「仁者見之謂之仁,智者見之謂之智」,大概即是此意。另外一些概念,如「教育」與「政治」,就比較容易得到共識,因為原典俱在,所論可以徵諸史實,所述可以在現實經驗中對照比觀,雖不中亦不遠矣。以「教育」為例,孔子的「有教無類」、「因材施教」、「啟發式教法」、「學不厭教不倦」、「成德之教」等特色,可謂盡人皆知,不必多作贅述。但是,對於孔子為何表現這些特色,亦即,孔子心中的教育綱領與教育目的是什麼,則仍大有探討的空間。 本文將以《論語》為主,試圖解析與重構孔子心中的教育藍圖。首先,要確定一個完整的架構,就是:「自我期許、與人為善、因應之智、安頓之仁」。然後,依序以孔子的實際教學內容作為印證,參考孔門弟子的言行表現,藉此展示孔子的教育哲學,以及其中所預設的人性觀點。孔子的思想是一個整體,並且「一以貫之」,因此不論從任何角度或側面去深入探討,最後總會歸結於共同的核心。本文之作,意在於此。Confucius, being regarded as the greatest teacher in Chinese history, is well-known for his teaching method, such as "to teach according to student's talent", "to teach without classification," etc. What really matters, however, is the substance of his teaching, and this inevitably leads one to consider his philosophy. The present article, by connecting Confucius' philosophy and his teaching method, intends to describe the stages and qualifications in Confucius educational scheme. Four steps can thus be discerned, they are: 1)to establish a positive self-esteem and life goal; 2)to cooperate with others in following the path of goodness; 3)to properly and wisely deal with all kinds of situation; and 4)to rest with oneself in a peaceful and elegant way. Each step draws sufficient supports from the "Analects" and finds a correspondent place in the philosophical system Confucius.解析孔子的教育藍圖Explicating Confucius' Education Programjournal article