2019-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/657358摘要:為符合國際規範,提升我國的國際地位,確保漁民捕魚權益,我國遠洋漁業必須符合國際組織的相關規範,包括隨船配置觀察員,以蒐集紀錄漁獲與漁船作業相關資訊。近年來國際發展的趨勢,是加速研發電子觀察員(電子監控系統 Electronic Monitoring system, EMS)相關技術,以減輕經營成本與人工觀察員的工作負擔。本計畫擬以遠洋鮪延繩釣船為對象,開發影像辨識技術與系統,以自動辨識海上漁船漁獲種類及魚體長度,並規劃日後該系統在海上船上的應用雛形。另外,本計畫將在南方澳漁港裝設監視錄影設備,以錄影漁船進港後的卸魚進倉作業,並開發魚種辨識系統,進行辨識測試,以利系統的日後海上及岸上港口應用。<br> Abstract: To meet the regulation from international organization, to upgrade the national position of our country, and to secure the fishery right of our people, the ocean fishing vessel have to allocate an observer to collect the biological information as well as to record the operation of fishing. During recent years, electronic monitoring system becomes an important issue because it might lower the cost and ease the burden of observer. This project aims to develop a fish species identification system that can be used on ocean longline tuna fishing vessel. Meanwhile, a monitoring and recording system will also be installed in Nan-Fun-Ao fishing port. The system will monitor operation of fish delivery so as to identify the species by a computer program that will also be developed in this study.魚種辨識自動感測電子監視Automatic detectionFish species identificationElectronic monitoring海洋漁產業智能管理及自動化技術研發與應用計畫-魚種辨識智能管理系統開發