張森富臺灣大學:生物產業機電工程學研究所賴建洲Lai, Chien-ChouChien-ChouLai2007-11-262018-07-102007-11-262018-07-102004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/52921摘要 針對康乃馨與玄蔘,使用不同瓶封口材質之研究證實提高組培瓶內、外氣體交換率(E),可解決芽體增殖時玻璃質化之問題,更能提高芽體生長之品質。玄蔘芽體增殖數目因E值提高而減少之問題,可透過啟動氣體交換之時機點來解決,例如使用4層藥包紙包覆組織培養瓶口,再以2層石蠟膜(Parafilm)緊密封住瓶口的栽培模式中,於4週後將石蠟膜移除,如此可以產生無玻璃質化、高品質、高數目之芽體。 除了培養基調製、裝填與殺菌作業之機械化、自動化及配合移植作業之生產動線安排之外,廠內使用活動式多層立體床架可提高單位土地面積上之種植面積達13倍,床架配備往復式自走光照裝置更可降低一半之光照設備成本。低成本之風扇水牆設施不但可降低培養室內溫度,更可提高組培瓶內外氣體交換率。一間具高產能、低成本的組織培養苗量產植物工廠已建構完成,正進行商業量產中。 高亮度發光二極體作為組培苗人工光源具發展潛力,交流供電全紅光適用於彩色海芋(Black Magic)組培苗栽培。 關鍵詞:植物工廠、組織培養、發光二極體Abstract Increasing gas exchange rate (E) of the TC vessel can reduce the vitrification problem frequently found in carnation (Dianthus caryophllus L. cv. Opale) shoot tip culture and adventitious buds production of Scrophularia yoshimurae. More over, higher quality of carnation shoot tip can be produced by increasing E value was found. Problem of decreasing buds counts when increasing E value can be solved by the control on the timing to initiate the gas exchange process. When 4 layers of dispense paper covered with 2 layers of parafilm was used, the highest buds count and best quality buds with no vitrification occurred can be derived if the timing to remove the parafilm to initiate the gas exchange process is set at the 4th week after transplanting. Besides the design and installation of the transplanting room and the production line for the preparation of cultural media, filling, and sterilization of TC vessels, a 2 floors production building has been established. Within the building, movable multi-layer benches equipped with retractable light mounting fixture were installed which can increase 13 times planting area per unit land area and cost down half of the light. Fan and pad system was used to not only remove the extra thermal energy but also increase the exchange rate of gas inside and outside vessels. A high productivity and low cost plant factory for the mass production of tissue culture (TC) plantlets has been established and is currently under commercial operations. High intensity light-emitting diode (LED) is the promising light source for TC operations. Providing with alternate current (AC), red LEDs alone can be used to grow TC plantlets of Calla Lily (Black Magic). KEYWORD: Plant Factory, Tissue Culture, LED目 錄 誌謝-----------------------------------------i 中文摘要------------------------------------ii 英文摘要-----------------------------------iii 目錄-----------------------------------------v 表目錄-------------------------------------vii 圖目錄------------------------------------viii 第一章 前言--------------------------------1 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------4 2-1 溫度----------------------------------6 2-2 水牆風扇降溫系統------------------------7 2-3 光------------------------------------9 2-4 發光二極體應用於組培苗栽培與彩色海芋—9 2-5 氣體交換率---------------------------12 2-6 二氧化碳濃度-------------------------18 2-7 植物工廠-----------------------------19 第三章 試驗設備與方法---------------------20 3-1 瓶內外氣體交換率之量測---------------20 3-2 培養基組成與培養容器覆蓋物對康乃馨組 織培養苗玻璃質化與發根的影響---------22 3-3 容器覆蓋物(換氣)對玄蔘組織培養苗玻璃質化 之影響-------------------------------24 3-4 建構組織培養苗量產之植物工廠---------25 3-5 紅光LED應用於彩色海芋組培苗栽培---------38 第四章 結果與討論-------------------------42 4-1 不同瓶口覆蓋物之氣體交換率-----------42 4-2 瓶封口材料、培養基成份及處理方法對康 乃馨瓶苗之影響-----------------------45 4-3 瓶封口材料、培養基成份及處理方法對玄 蔘瓶苗之影響-------------------------53 4-4 組織培養苗量產植物工廠之建構---------61 4-5 紅光發光二極體(LED) 應用於彩色海芋組培苗 栽培--------------------------------------69 第五章 結論-------------------------------83 參考文獻-----------------------------------85 附錄一、立體人工環境栽培室中華民國專利證書-96 附錄二、立體人工環境栽培室美國專利證書-----97 附錄三、全自動往復移動式多段供料暨均風系統 中華民國專利證書-------------------98 附錄四、全自動往復移動式多段供料暨均風系統 美國專利證書-----------------------99en-US植物工廠組織培養發光二極體Plant FactoryTissue CultureLED建構組織培養苗量產植物工廠之研發Development of a Plant Factory for the Mass Production of Tissue Culture Plantlets In Vitrothesis