2014-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/713216摘要:本研究擬以自然療癒的角度,解構校園戶外與室內空間,並結合遊憩效益、景觀效益和園藝效益三個領域,探究身體活動、視覺觀賞以及雙手接觸之三種體驗自然之機制,對兒童的身心發展做有系統、整合性之研究。此外,過去校園景觀研究,幾乎都鎖定兒童效益,忽略教師也是校園空間的主要使用者,本研究一併探究這三種接觸自然之機制對教師的教學心理與工作之影響。本研究包含三年度之計劃,第一年度探討校園戶外場所的身體活動與視覺觀賞之機制,評估學童項目包含學童情緒、社交技巧、問題行為、學業成就、創造力、自然智能、師生關係、班級氣氛與體能能力,評估教師項目包含教師壓力、疲倦感、自我效能、工作滿意度、師生關係與班級氣氛。第二年度計劃將戶外景觀模擬至教室室內空間,進行教室空間自然環景景觀貼圖,探討虛擬景觀視覺觀賞之機制,評估項目與第一年度相同,僅排除掉無法獲得的學童體能能力項目。第三年度將自然植栽移入教室空間,以蔬菜牆垂直綠化教室空間,並透過園藝活動課程教導兒童園藝養護技巧與知識,探究其視覺觀賞以及雙手接觸之自然影響機制,評估項目與第一年度相同,僅排除掉學童體能能力項目。本研究結果將有助於校園戶外與室內空間之設計與規劃。<br> Abstract: School environment is divided into outdoor and indoor spaces from the view of natural therapy in this study. This study intends to combine school environment with recreational, landscape and horticultural benefits and to explored the mechanism of nature experience from physical activity, visual landscape, and hand operation for child development through a systematic and integrated study. In addition, the studies of school environment almost focused on children`s benefit. However, teachers are also the major users in school environment. Therefore, this study is also to explored the three mechanism of nature experience for teachers` psychology and work. This project includes three years. The first year of study is to explore the mechanism of physical activity and visual landscape in school environment. The children`s assessment included emotion, social skill, problem behavior, academic achievement, creativity, natural intelligence, teacher-student relationship, classroom climate and physical competence. The teacher`s assessment for teacher included stress, fatigue, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, teacher-student relationship and classroom climate. The second year of study is to explore the mechanism of virtual visual landscape in classroom. The classroom is decorated with panoramic landscape photography of outdoor school environment. The assessment are the similar between the first and second year except for physical competence. The third year of study is to explore the mechanism of visual landscape and hand operation in classroom. The classroom is decorated with vertical vegetable wall. Horticultural skill and knowledge are taught through horticultural activity. The assessment are the similar between the first and third year except for physical competence. The results of this project can provide the advice to design the outdoor and indoor school environment.校園環境遊憩效益景觀效益園藝效益自我效能school environmentbenefits of recreational activitybenefits of landscapebenefits of horticultural activity校園景觀對兒童發展與教師自我效能之影響