臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所陳亮全周欣融Chou, Shin-JungShin-JungChou2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249351 宗教團體在當前台灣災害防救工作中佔有重要的角色地位,其身為民間團體的一類,在政府-民間協力因應災害的願景下,須透過對其參與災害防救工作特性之探索,了解其災害防救能量,方能強化整體災害防救分工體系。是以,本篇論文望能融合宗教社會學之概念於社會資本理論中,探索宗教團體在其特殊「世界圖像」的理想目標下,如何構築並利用其組織內外部結構之社會資本資源,以形成其災害防救工作,並依此了解宗教團體在參與災害防救工作之優劣勢,和其在災害防救工作中可扮演之適當角色。 經使用深度訪談之研究方法,訪問台灣基督長老教會、法鼓山參與921災後應變與重建工作之經驗、兩個案之宗教體系與其災害防救策略關聯等內容。分析其宗教理念對其災害防救工作策略、組織內外部社會網絡關係之影響,並探討參與災害防救工作,對組織自身之反饋為何。本研究發現,對宗教團體來說,參與災害防救工作是其信仰實踐和向外建立關係網絡的策略行動。在行動特色上,兩宗教團體皆傾向融合其信仰核心理念,即宣揚自身宗教理念的目標於災害防救工作中;又,其特殊宗教性格,和自宗教性格而生的規範,會影響其與外部結構的關係,使其較難與外部結構建立長久、穩定的合作關係。而在參與921災害防救工作後,兩個案皆有內部信仰凝聚,和與服務對象建立良好互動的情形。 由於宗教團體在軟體面的心靈關懷工作上佔有優勢。其長期、在地化陪伴的服務,又可達成強化組織內外部設社會網絡、滿足災後需求的雙重目標。本研究認為,在台灣未來的災害防救工作分工藍圖上,可考慮由宗教團體負擔災區長期、軟體面的心靈關懷角色。惟政府單位亦須透過政策擬定,強化宗教團體之災害防救、心理醫療、心理輔導等專業;增進宗教團體與外部結構的合作關係;同時,也必須重視災區居民的權益,滿足因災害所生之需求。Religious organizations are important roles in the work of disaster management in Taiwan. In the vision of the public-private partnership of disaster management, if we learn what and how the religious organizations can do, we could strengthen the division of labor between religious organizations, non-governmental organizations and government. The study hopes to discover how religious organizations turn their inner and outer social capitals into their practical actions under their “world image” by the perspectives of religious sociology and social capital theory. Therefore we could understand their strength and weakness in disaster management. By in-depth interview, the study surveys the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and Dharma Drum Mountain’s disaster managing strategy in Chi-Chi earthquake, including the practical actions, the connections between their belief systems and the disaster managing strategy, to analyze how their belief affect the actions and their internal and external social networks after disaster, and to explore the feedback of their participation. The study discovers that disaster management is not only a kind of belief practice but also a social network building for a religious organization. Furthermore, the two organizations gathered some feedback after the participation, such as the belonging sense of their members. Both of them applied their core doctrine to promote their beliefs, and to do their disaster prevention and rescue. The special characters and religious norms could affect the relationships between external structures, making people difficult to maintain long-term and stable relationships with the religious organizations. As religious organizations have the superiority in spiritual care of religious organizations. Their long-term service in locality can strengthen their own social network and satisfy the need after the disaster. The study suggests that, in the numerous works of Taiwan’s disaster management, religious organizations could be considered as a main force of spiritual care. Furthermore, the government must make some policies to strengthen religious organizations’ professionalism about disaster management, psychotherapy, psychological counseling, etc., and to promote the cooperation between religious organizations, NGOs, and government. Also, government should ensure that all the policies of disaster management should satisfy the need after disaster.2402275 bytesapplication/pdfen-US世界圖像社會資本宗教團體災害防救world imagesocial capitalreligious organizationsdisaster management宗教團體參與災害防救工作角色之探討 -以台灣基督長老教會、法鼓山參與921震災災後應變與重建為例On the role of religious organizations involved in the disaster response and recovery: actions by The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and Dharma Drum Mountain during Chi-Chi earthquake post-disasterthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249351/1/ntu-100-R97544014-1.pdf