王暉臺灣大學:電信工程學研究所黎兆杰Li, Chao-ChiehChao-ChiehLi2007-11-272018-07-052007-11-272018-07-052007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/58705現代通訊系統中,低相位雜訊的壓控振盪器是不可或缺的元件,由於各種可攜式與普及的無線應用,促使我們設計低功率消耗及低成本系統,因此,如何設計低功率以及低成本並同時具有低相位雜訊的振盪器是一個值得探討的重點。 本論文的主題在於使用金氧半互補式製程,設計並實現微波及毫米波振盪器。論文主要可分為三部分,第一部份介紹相位雜訊的產生並討論變壓器型LC振盪器的原理,同時提出一個新型的變壓器型互補式壓控式振盪器。其震盪頻率為21 GHz,相位雜訊在1-MHz位移為 -106 dBc/Hz,並且僅消耗 9.6 mW 的直流功率以及0.164平方毫米的晶片面積。 第二部份分別描述環形振盪器與多推式振盪器的原理及優點,並且提出一個以環形振盪器為本體的極寬頻三推式壓控式振盪器。為了增加可調整頻率範圍,一個傳統的環形振盪器與三推式的架構結合在一起。振盪頻率可從 0.2 GHz 到 32.8 GHz,而晶片面積僅為 0.095平方毫米。 在第三部份,提出另一個變壓器型的架構。其變壓器回授將被分析並且實作在20 GHz的頻段中。此振盪器的相位雜訊達在1-MHz位移為到-107 dBc/Hz,並且消耗16 mW的直流功率以及0.154平方毫米的晶片面積。接著討論正交式振盪器的原理及應用,並且設計一個變壓器回授的正交式振盪器,並且實作台積電0.18微米製程。為了增加可調整頻率並且不增加其相位雜訊,差動的開關將被使用,而其正交訊號則是利用平行耦合的方式產生。此5 GHz 的正交式振盪器相位雜訊在1-MHz位移為到-121 dBc/Hz,而功率消耗僅有 12.8mW的直流功率損耗。A low phase noise VCO is indispensable in modern communication system. The portable and universal wireless applications drive us to investigate low power consumption and low cost system. Therefore, to design a low phase noise VCO with low power consumption and low cost is always a challenge. The goal of the thesis is to design and implement VCOs in microwave and millimeter-wave region using CMOS technology. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part introduces the basic of phase noise and discusses the theory of transformer-based LC-tank VCOs. A new topology of transformer-based complementary VCO which achieve a phase noise of -106 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset at 21 GHz with a low power consumption of 9.6 mW and a compact chip size of 0.164 mm2 is designed and implemented in this part. In the next part, the theory and advantages of ring oscillator and multi-push VCO are introduced, respectively, and a ring-based triple-push VCO with extremely wide tuning range is proposed. A tradition ring oscillator and triple-push topology are combined to extend the tuning range. The oscillation frequency can be reached from 0.2 GHz to 32.8 GHz with a miniature chip size of 0.095 mm2. Another transformer-based topology, transformer feedback, is analyzed and implemented in 20 GHz in the third part. The transformer feedback VCO achieves a phase noise of -107 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset with a power consumption of 16 mW and a compact chip size of 0.154 mm2. The basics and application of QVCO is discussed later. Then a transformer feedback QVCO is designed and fabricated by TSMC 0.18-Chapter1 Introduction……………………………………………………………1 1.1 Background and Motivation……………………………………1 1.2 Literature Survey………………………………………………2 1.3 Contributions…………………………………………………..4 1.4 Chapter Outline………………………………………………………………….5 Chapter 2 Basics of LC-Tank Voltage Controlled Oscillators………7 2.1 Oscillation Condition…………………………………………7 2.2 Concepts of Phase Noise……………………………………..9 2.3 Implementation of Transformer Based LC-Tank…………15 Chapter 3 Complementary Transformer VCO……………………………………23 3.1 Transformer Analysis and Design………………………….23 3.2 Circuit Design…………………………………………………28 3.3 Experiment Results……………………………………………34 Chapter 4 A Ring-Based Triple-Push VCO…………………..40 4.1 Concepts of Ring oscillator………………………………40 4.2 Triple-Push Topology…………………………………………44 4.3 Ring-based triple-push VCO Design……………………….48 4.4 Measurement Results………………………………………….57 Chapter 5 Transformer Feedback VCO…………………………64 5.1 Transformer Feedback analysis…………………………….64 5.2 20GHz Transformer Feedback VCO Circuit Design………68 5.3 Concept of Quadrature VCO………………………………….77 5.4 5GHz Transformer Feedback QVCO Circuit Design………79 Chapter 6 Conclusions………………………………………………………….932058436 bytesapplication/pdfen-US壓控振盪器,變壓器,三推式振盪器,環形振盪器VCO,transformer,triple-push ocillator, ring oscillator應用於微波及毫米波金氧半場效電晶體壓控振盪器之研製Design of Microwave and Millimeter-wave CMOS VCOsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/58705/1/ntu-96-R94942008-1.pdf