2015-01-102024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658293摘要:本計畫擬開發膠態及固態電解質應用在電致節能色變元件中,以達到預防漏液的效果,其不易流動的特性使其更具有潛力應用在可撓性基板上。本研究擬使用氧化著色電致色變材料普魯士藍(Prussian blue, PB)薄膜以及還原著色材料聚紫精(Poly(butylviologen), PBV),組合成互補式電致色變元件,因該系統已知具有相當良好之電致色變特性。就電解質方面,本研究預計將使用聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA)以不同比例添加在碳酸丙烯酯(Propylene carbonate, PC)中,PMMA因具有高導離度以及高穿透度,在電致色變元件中可將穿透度的損失降至最低,而PC則具有高透明度且不易揮發等特性,若能將此二種材料做最適當的比例混和,將可調配出高導離度且高透明度的膠態電解液。若上述實驗獲致理想的電致色變效果,我們將再更進一步導入固態電解質丁二腈( Succinonitrile, SN ),該材料因為凝固點在室溫之上,且具有高導離度且高透明度的特性,預期在電致色變元件上除了能徹底避免電解液滲漏的問題,亦不會犧牲該元件的穿透度變化。然而,丁二腈凝固時所產生結晶會使該電解液出現雪花般的紋路散落於電解質各處,因此,本研究預計採用添加不同比例之二氧化矽奈米粒子(SiO2, nanoparticles)於其中的策略,來破壞其結晶結構,以期獲致高穿透的對比之電致色變元件。<br> Abstract: In this study, gel-type and solid-type electrolytes will be developed for the energy-saving electrochromic devices (ECDs). By using these electrolytes, leakage problems will be eliminated due to its high viscosity. Moreover, such merits enable these electrolytes to be integrated with flexible substrates. The anodically coloring material Prussian blue (PB) and the cathodically coloring material poly(butylviologen) (PBV) will be utilized to obtain a complementary ECD for their desirable electrochromic properties. In terms of the electrolyte, poly(methyl 2-methylpropenoate) (PMMA) will be used because of its high ionic conductivity, and high transparency. The sacrifice in the transmittance change can therefore be minimized. Furthermore, the plasticizer propylene carbonate (PC) also exhibits high transparency while rendering low volatility. If the ratio between PMMA and PC was optimized, ideal electrochromic performance may be expected. On top of this, the solid-type electrolyte succinonitrile (SN) will also be incorporated since SN reveals high melting point, high transparency and high ionic conductivity. We expected that ECDs utilize SN can totally eliminate the leakage problem while giving significant optical contrast. Nevertheless, crystallization of SN tends to render the opaque grain boundaries that hugely sacrifice the transparency of the electrolyte. To attenuate the crystallization, certain amount of SiO2 nanoparticles will be blended with SN. This allows the proposed ECD exhibiting significant optical contrast.電致色變普魯士藍聚紫精膠態電解液electrochromicPrussian bluePoly(butylviologen)gel electrolyte離子型節能薄膜元件之製程整合特性研究