臺灣大學: 法律學研究所姜皇池魏正杰Wei, Cheng-ChiehCheng-ChiehWei2013-03-212018-07-052013-03-212018-07-052011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249627為保護船旗國對抗沿海國或港口國對其船舶與船員過長之扣留,以及為對沿海國或港口國特定管轄權行使行為提供救濟,1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》第292條賦予國際間法院審理迅速釋放船舶與船員爭端之管轄權。條文內容包含對經濟、人道、安全與環境等等面向之關注。 「國際海洋法法庭」迄今已受理19宗案件中,9宗係第292條之迅速釋放程序。法庭於判決中對換取船舶與船員釋放的合理保證書或其他財政擔保其概念,與用以評估合理性之因素作出重大貢獻,相當值得深入探究。本文先就當代國際海洋法之爭端解決機制與「國際海洋法法庭」進行介紹。第三章則論述《公約》第292條迅速釋放制度,包括其立法歷史、實體要件,訴訟程序之特性。第四章就「國際海洋法法庭」成立迄今所審理之重要迅速釋放案件作各案介紹。第五章則針對合理保證書或其他財政擔保之概念進行通案、系統性之分析,並檢討法庭於迅速釋放案例判決中之法律理由及立論闡述。最後綜合前述各章意見,提出以當代海洋法為出發點之觀察與意見。In order to protect the flag state against excessive detentions of its vessels and crews, and to render a remedy for actions taken in exercise of certain jurisdiction by costal state or port state, Article 292 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea confers jurisdictions on international tribunals over any dispute with respect to prompt release of detained vessels and crews. This provision on prompt release accommodates economic and humanitarian as well as safety and environmental concerns. In the list of cases of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea which began its work in 1996, 9 out of the total 19 cases relate to the prompt release proceeding under Article 292. The Tribunal in its judgments made significant contribution on elaboration of the reasonable bond or other financial guarantee to be posted in exchange for the release of the vessels and crews in detention, especially regarding its conception and the relevant factors of reasonableness assessment. It is worthwhile to carry out a thorough study. This thesis firstly introduces the dispute settlement mechanism of contemporary law of the sea and the institution of International Tribunal for the Law, secondly the prompt release procedure under Article 292, including its legislative history, substantive requirements and procedural characteristics. Chapter four examines the relevant prompt release cases submitted before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and chapter five provides an overall and systematic analysis on the reasonable bond or other financial guarantee based on the review of the jurisprudence of the Tribunal. In final chapter, this thesis concludes with some observations and comments from the perspective of contemporary law of the sea.8234913 bytesapplication/pdfen-US國際海洋法法庭船舶與船員之迅速釋放爭端解決聯合國國際海洋法公約合理保證書或其他財政擔保the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seaprompt release of vessels and crewssettlement of disputes1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seathe reasonable bond or other financial guarantee國際海洋法法庭迅速釋放案例之研究A Study on Cases Concerning Prompt Release before ITLOSthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249627/1/ntu-100-R96a21104-1.pdf