電機資訊學院: 電機工程學研究所指導教授: 傅立成洪�矞�Hong, HengYiHengYiHong2017-03-062018-07-062017-03-062018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276521隨著老齡化社會的到來,中風和五十肩所引起的上肢運動功能失常越來越多 地困擾著老年人。傳統的物理治療方法可以幫助患者恢復健康,通過帶動手臂運動來恢復機能。然而,傳統物理治療受諸多因素影響,比如勞動力成本、高重複度勞動、物理治療師的個人技能、以及復健的穩定度。將機器人引入物理治療,從而減輕、輔助或者代替傳統物理治療是一種可行的方法。機器人擁有的諸多優點,包括可重複性,穩定治療,高精確度,可客製化,以及數據評估等。在本研究中,我們 在復健機器人 NTUH-II上實現了一種帶有一些新特性的環形運動治療方法。環形 運動治療有三種模式,被動復健模式,助力復健模式以及主動復健模式。環形運動可以幫助患者恢復全方位的範圍活動度,並且允許患者有效地與機器人互動,幫助 他們恢復肌力。 更特別地是,NTUH-II的大範圍活動度保證了完整的環形運動治療。並且,助 力控制結合主動控制可以使得患者與機器人的互動更平滑,軌跡更貼合實際的環形運動軌跡。在被動模式中,活動度與速度均可以由治療師設定,機器人會依據給定的活動度與速度沿特定環形軌跡運動。而在助力模式下,機器人會為病人提供一 定的輔助力,並且幫助病人恢復肌力。實際的出力將被力/力矩傳感器記錄下來, 用於進一步的分析。主動復健治療可以讓病人做自由運動,出力將被映射到固定的軌跡上,之後,我們會計算出最貼合實際的運動的圓,以此圓為標準來分析病人的 情況。最後,我們做了諸多實驗來驗證三種環形運動模式的可行性與表現。While the aging society goes, more and more elders suffer from stroke or frozen shoulder, two most common diseases, which lead to upper-limb motor impairments. These diseases need appropriate physical therapy to regain health. However, the traditional therapies are always labor-intensive and fail to extremely accurate. In order to implement accurate physical therapies and alleviate the burden of both therapists and caregivers, we develop a rehabilitation robot to improve this situation. In this research, a traditional rehabilitation therapy, called circumduction with some new characteristics, is implemented on the rehabilitation robot NTUH-II. The circumduction therapy includes three modes, passive mode, active-assistive mode, and active mode. The circumduction therapy rehabilitates the omnidirectional Range of Motion(ROM), and also allows patients to interact with robot effectively and so that they can recover their muscle strength better. More specifically, NTUH-II has large ROM which facilitates the complete circumduction therapies. Moreover, the proposed active-assistive control strategy accompanied with active control strategy makes the interaction between human and robot smoother and the hand trajectory will approach to a circular trajectory after some transient. As for passive mode circumduction, the radius and hand velocity along the drawn circular trajectory are given by therapist, and the robot will move the patient’s arm so that his/her hand will trace a perfect circular trajectory. Patients have no need to apply force on robot. As for active-assistive mode, robot will apply an assistive force to patient’s arm, so that the patient only needs to pay little effort to move his arm. Incidentally, the exact force exerted by the patient to the robot will be recorded for further assessment. We also provide active circumduction, which lets the patient take a free motion while applying force to the robot, also for the purpose of drawing a circular trajectory with hand through visual feedback. Then, we will compare the motion trajectory with the most fitted circular trajectory, and do assessment. This is a novel method implemented on rehabilitation robot for assessment of recovery level. Extensive experiments are done to verify the feasibility and performance of therapy under three different modes circumduction.3280732 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)中風五十肩上肢復健物理治療主動復健被動復健助力復健環形運動療程外骨骼機器人StrokeFrozen ShoulderUpper-limb RehabilitationPhysical TherapyPassive CircumductionActive-assistive CircumductionActive CircumductionExoskeleton Robot[SDGs]SDG3在外骨骼復健機器人上實現的環形運動療程The Circumduction Therapy on Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robotthesis10.6342/NTU201601282http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276521/1/ntu-105-R03921088-1.pdf