指導教授:馬鴻文臺灣大學:環境工程學研究所蕭宇辰Hsiao, Yu-ChenYu-ChenHsiao2014-11-302018-06-282014-11-302018-06-282014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/264193儘管過去經濟的飛快成長使全球無數人脫離貧困,並朝向高生活品質的生活前進,但如影隨形且日益漸增的環境污染,卻是全人類無法承受之重,甚至反噬經濟發展之成果。因此,有別於(Georgescu-Roegen, 1971)認為經濟成長必然伴隨著污染環境的副產物,(Grossman, 1994)提出了脫鉤(Decoupling)的概念,在經濟不斷成長的情況下,許多富裕國家可透過新技術與法規而減少環境污染,從而使經濟成長與環境污染「脫鉤」。2002年世界永續發展高峰會(WSSD)中即發表約翰內斯堡執行計劃與永續發展宣言,以支持各國朝向永續消費與生產模式前進,並期望經濟發展與環境惡化脫鉤,在生態系統有限涵容能力中推動社會經濟發展。 因此,當探討國家脫鉤議題時,高度經濟發展與環境影響產業勢必為討論的核心,而金屬產業即為此類重要產業,許多研究都指出金屬物質或部門於台灣環境之重要性(UNEP, 2010;Van der Voet, 2005;王俊傑, 2008;李孟穎, 2009)。 然而,為打破以往評估環境影響有煙囪才有排放之概念,以及上述研究結果之限制,本研究以趙家緯發展之台灣整合型環境評估模型為基礎,因適切性發展台灣整合性金屬產業環境評估模型,同時評估金屬產業相關之環境影響,並分別以消費與生產面觀點檢視95年台灣金屬產業應優先限制與改善的相關產業或最終消費類別。 藉由評估結果顯示金屬產業佔台灣環境影響約佔15-20%,進一步以消費與生產面檢視金屬產業之環境影響。消費面應從金屬產業著手,其佔整體金屬產業環境影響約八成,主要以鋼鐵初級製品、金屬製品與機械設備部門之消費為主要影響因素,其主要最終消費類別為出口約佔八成,其餘兩成為資本形成。其次,次要消費管理目標為營建工程,其為滿足資本形成(如建設住宅、廠房)衍生之環境影響於金屬產業中也不容小覷;另一方面,生產面則有別於消費面,生產面管理則應著眼於金屬產業供應鏈中其他產業進行管理,如人體健康方面以其他陸上運輸、鋼鐵初級製品、海外礦業、粗鋼製程與資源回收處理部門為主;生態品質方面,以國外礦業為主、歐美進口之鋼鐵原料次之;氣候變遷方面,則以粗鋼製程、其他地區之電力供應、燃煤電廠與進口鋼鐵原料為主;水資源耗用方面,以中東地區煉油為主。 並依此結果,希望未來決策者能以永續生產與消費之概念,分別針對生產與消費面提供各環節效率提升與排放削減之建議。生產面系統革新與限制可透過大規模的升級、更新,並使用最佳可行技術替代,提升生產模式各環節之效率;而消費面,並進一步減少對產品服務的需求與提升使用效率,以此大幅削減金屬產業的環境影響程度,期望達到經濟發展與環境污染脫鉤的終極目的。Will the country be able to sustain economic growth without making environmental pressures? That’s the only question we want to ask and respond to. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to find out any possibility that economic growth and the environmental pressures could be decoupled. In our country, the consumption and production from the major industries play an important role in the domestic and foreign region, and also in the economy or environment. The metal industry is exactly one of those major industries, which are engergy intensive, material intensive, highly pollutoin, and high industrial linkage in economy and environment. To consider the ”decoupling”, it is necessary to investigate the metal industry, including sectors of iron and steel primary products, miscellaneous metals, fabricated metal products, mechanical equipment, crude steel and aluminum ingot, from the consumption and production perspective in Taiwan. This study used Integrated Environmental Assessment Model for Metal Industry in Taiwan (TWMIEA) as a tool to analyze of the consumption and production from metal industry and other metal-related industries. This tool is based on Input-Output Tables in 2006 and Integrated Environmental Assessment Model for Public Policy in Taiwan (TWIEA) developed by (Chao, 2013). TWMIEA are somehow different from TWIEA. First, TWMIEA does not take the environmental impacts from using stage into consideration, because this study focuses on the stage of consumption and production. Second, this study establishes the hybrid multi-region metal inventory analysis model, because of its character. Third, this study only considers the environmental impacts which are relevant with metal industry, and then, use TWMIEA to analyze metal industry in the consumption and production perspective in Taiwan. This thesis evaluates environmental impacts, including human health, eco-quality, climate change, and water resource, in all kinds of final demand related with metal industry. The highest impacts caused by consumption is mostly by export and a little by capital formation. Fursermore, the management of consumption should be focused on construction and metal industry, especially sectors of iron and steel primary products, fabricated metal products, and mechanical equipment. On the contrary, the main impacts from production is caused by other metal-related industries in various environmental impacts. As for impact of human health, the sectors of Other Land Transportation (TW), iron and steel primary products (TW), Minerals (Foreign), crude steel (TW) and Materials Recovery (TW) are important sectors in the metal related industriesin the impact. For the eco-quality, the main impact is caused by minerals (Foreign) and ferrous metals (USA&EU) sectors. For climate change, the sectors of crude steel (TW), electricity (Foreign), coal-fired power plant (TW), and ferrous metals (Foreign) are the major environmental pressures. For the water resource, sector of Oil (middleeast) caused massive environmental pressure of water resource. Except to major sectors in each environmental impacts, the result shows another issue that Taiwan makes the consumption, but foreign countries suffer from these consumptions. As a result, this study emphasizes on consumption and production from a whole life cycle perspective. Although those two perspectives have different target of management, it still affects each other in the same life cycle. If we want to reach the goal of decoupling, it is necessary to manege the highly economic growth and environmental pressures industries like metal industry either in the consumption or production perspective.第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究架構與流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1金屬永續生產與消費 5 2.1.1永續生產與消費 5 2.1.2永續生產與消費管理策略 8 2.2金屬產業於脫鉤之重要性 12 2.2.1金屬產業之經濟影響 12 2.2.2金屬產業之環境影響 18 2.3產業環境影響評估方法彙整 25 2.3.1物質流生命週期分析 25 2.3.2環境延伸投入產出分析 31 2.3.3混合型生命週期評估 37 2.4文獻回顧小結 40 第三章 研究方法 41 3.1台灣整合性影響評估模型介紹 43 3.2.1基本模型介紹 43 3.2.3模型計算結構說明 48 3.2台灣整合性金屬產業環境評估模型 50 3.2.1台灣整合性金屬產業環境評估模型特色 50 3.2.2效率因子應用於模型之操作說明 52 3.3金屬產業整合性環境評估方法 56 3.3.1研究範疇 56 3.3.2金屬產業整合性環境評估方法 59 3.3.3分析方法之環境管理意涵 63 第四章 結果與討論-台灣金屬產業整合性環境評估 64 4.1金屬產業供應鏈於台灣環境之重要性 64 4.2台灣金屬產業環境熱點之消費面分析 66 4.2.1金屬產業環境熱點之消費分析 66 4.2.2金屬產業供應鏈環境熱點之消費分析 68 4.3台灣金屬產業環境熱點之生產面分析 70 4.3.1人體健康指標 70 4.3.2生態品質指標 72 4.3.3氣候變遷指標 75 4.3.4水資源耗用指標 77 4.4台灣金屬產業整合性影響評估之結果與建議 80 第五章、結論與建議 84 第六章 參考文獻 87 附件一、國內經濟部門分類 914005516 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2017/08/26論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)永續生產與消費脫鉤金屬產業混合型投入產出盤查分析生命週期評估[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG13台灣金屬產業整合性環境評估Integrated Environmental Assessment of Metal Industry in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/264193/1/ntu-103-R01541119-1.pdf