林世銘2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/18411我國人文社會科學白皮書(89 年3 月) 指出,隨著科技的發展與社會環境的多元 化,管理科學領域的發展相當快速且多 元,而未來之發展則應致力於「加強管理 學研究的深度與國際化的程度」。有鑑於 此,我們在國科會人文處的指導下,規劃了 一系列兩年期的「管理一學門卓越研究營」, 邀請在「財務管理、會計、經營策略、組織 行為」等四個管理學研究領域研究成果優異 的國際著名學者,利用民國九十一年、九十 二年(主要集中於暑假期間),輪流來台灣做 一至二週(6 至12 小時)的研究課程演講,以 期提升國內管理學門年輕研究人員的國際視 野與研究水準,同時也提供資深研究人員再 充電以及與國際級學者交流的機會,以提升 我國管理學研究在國際間的學術地位。目前 已接洽而原則上業已答應參與講授課程的學 者,計有財務管理7 位、會計6 位、經營策略6 位、組織行為7 位等共26 位。In the recent years, a growing number of universities and colleges have been founded or established in Taiwan. Therefore, numerous newly minted PhDs, locally made or abroad, have joined the community of management research in Taiwan. However, it is found that there are young scholars who do not seem to keep up with the development in the international academic community a couple of years after graduation from schools. As a result, it only becomes more and more difficult for them to catch up the ever-moving train of management research. Therefore, the Advanced Management Research Workshops are initiated to help young scholars strengthen research capabilities and re-sharpen research tools, and to provide them chances to interact with internationally known scholars. Through externality, the program should benefit not only the young scholars but the whole research community as well. Currently 26 internationally-known foreign professors agreed to participate in the Workshops as speakers, each will give 6 to 12 hours of lectures in either 2002 or 2003. The fields covered include finance (7 speakers), accounting (6 speakers), organization behavior (7 speakers) and operating strategies (6 speakers).application/pdf167044 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學會計學系暨研究所研究營管理教育財務管理會計經營策略組織行為WorkshopAcademic Research on financeaccountingorganization behavioroperating strategies管理一學門卓越研究營先期規劃Advanced Management Research Workshop: A Preliminary Proposalreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/18411/1/902416H002049.pdf