生物資源暨農學院: 動物科學技術學研究所指導教授: 陳億乘丁毅Ding, YiYiDing2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274403肉製品為禽畜肉類經過加工所得之成品或半成品,如:香腸、火腿、貢丸、雞塊等。然而,肉製品中高脂肪含量,尤其是飽和脂肪酸,為造成人類罹患冠狀心臟以及心血管疾病的主要原因之一。為了降低罹患此類慢性疾病的風險,低脂肉製品的開發近年來如雨後春筍。而重組火腿類型產品(restructured ham-like product)同時包含火腿低脂肪含量的優點以及乳化型香腸般之乳化特性,其未來在市場上具有相當的潛力。而低脂肉製品(low-fat meat product)面臨到質地乾硬、風味及保水性較差等問題,因此能改善這些問題的脂肪取代物(fat replacer)經常被使用,其中,膳食纖維(dietary fiber)因具有優異之保水、乳化特性以及健康元素,是一項不可多得的優異脂肪取代物。 奇亞籽(chia seed)具有高比例的膳食纖維及omega-3不飽和脂肪酸。首先分析結果顯示,奇亞籽中含有高比例的α-次亞麻油酸(ALA)、多樣的胺基酸與礦物質,以及多酚類物質。且在三種膳食纖維保水能力的比較中,我們發現鹿角菜膠(carrageenan)具有最佳(p<0.05)的保水能力,其次為奇亞籽,而糊精纖維(dextrin fiber)敬陪末座,因此選擇鹿角菜膠與奇亞籽進行後續的實驗分析。 將重組火腿類型產品分為七組:(1) HF組,正常配方額外添加5.0%的豬背脂;(2) CON組,正常配方;(3) CON+0.5CHIA組,正常配方額外添加0.5%奇亞籽;(4) CON+1.0CHIA組,正常配方額外添加1.0%奇亞籽;(5)CON+0.5CA組,正常配方額外添加0.5%鹿角菜膠;(6) CON+0.5CA+0.5CHIA組,正常配方額外添加0.5%鹿角菜膠及0.5%奇亞籽;(7) CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA組,正常配方額外添加0.5%鹿角菜膠及1.0%奇亞籽。產品經過加熱烹煮後,HF、CON+0.5CA+0.5CHIA以及CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA組別有較高(p<0.05)的產品製成率。產品經過四週的儲藏試驗(4oC儲藏下),CON組有最高(p<0.05)的水分流失。而有添加奇亞籽的組別其產品皆有較低(p<0.05)的脂質及蛋白質氧化程度,其中又以添加1.0%的組別為最低(p<0.05)。另一方面,HF組其產品具有最高(p<0.05)的硬度。透過掃描式電子顯微鏡,發現CON組具有最大的脂肪顆粒,而添加鹿角菜膠或奇亞籽皆能使脂肪顆粒變小且一致而達到較佳之乳化效果。在感官品評方面,HF組有最佳(p<0.05)的總接受度,值得一提的是 CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA組別獲得與HF組相近的品評分數。綜觀上述,奇亞籽作為脂肪取代物應用於低脂類火腿產品中,能改善低脂產品的物化以及感官等特性。A meat product is mainly composed of poultry or livestock that is processed to a finished or semifinished product, i.e. sausage, ham, meatball, and chicken nugget. Each meat product has characteristics itself. Especially, tenderness of emulsion-type sausages is preferred by consumers in western communities. However, the high fat, especially saturated fatty acid, intake from meat products is considered as a major factor causing coronary heart and cardiovascular diseases. To decrease the risk of those chronic diseases, low-fat meat products are developed in decades. A restructured ham-like product which contains the low-fat advantage of ham and emulsifying effect of emulsion-type sausage is potentially developed in the market. Considering the hardness as well as worse flavor and juiciness of low-fat meat products, fat replacers which can improve textural and sensorial properties of products are utilized. Dietary fiber is a good fat replacer containing water binding capacity, emulsifying ability, and also health benefits. A chia (Salvia hispanica) seed has high ratio of dietary fiber and ω-3 unsaturated fatty acid. Many studies indicated that chia seed has been well applied in deserts, but it was not used in meat products based on our knowledge. We expect that low-fat restructured ham-like products can be improved by this magic seed, and provide a novel functional meat-based food product to consumers simultaneously. According to our composition analyses, chia seeds have high amounts of α-linolenic acid (ALA), diverse amino acids and minerals, and polyphenols. Regarding water binding capacity of three dietary fibers (chia seed, carrageenan, as well as dextrin fiber), carrageenan was the best (p<0.05), followed by chia seed, and dextrin fiber. Therefore, carrageenan and chia seed were chosen for further experiments. Seven recipes of restructured ham-like products were: (1) HF, high fat (addition of extra 5.0% pork back fat); (2) CON, control (without addition of fat); (3) CON+0.5CHIA, control with 0.5% chia seeds; (4) CON+1.0CHIA, control with 1.0% chia seeds; (5) CON+0.5CA, control with 0.5% carrageenan; (6) CON+0.5CA+0.5CHIA, control with 0.5% carrageenan and 0.5% chia seeds; (7) CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA, control with 0.5% carrageenan and 1.0% chia seeds. The HF, CON+0.5CA+0.5CHIA, and CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA products showed the higher (p<0.05) production yields than other products. Four weeks of storage (4oC) resulted in only CON recipe showed the highest (p<0.05) purge loss and centrifugation loss than others. The recipes added with chia seeds had lower (p<0.05) lipid and protein oxidations, especially in 1.0% addition products. On the other hand, HF product had the hardest (p<0.05) texture than others. Via a scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation, CON product had larger fat global than other products without fat addition which implied chia seed and carrageenan assist an emulsification. Overall, HF product showed the best acceptance to panelists, and CON+0.5CA+1.0CHIA product also performed similar result to HF product. In summary, chia seed as a fat replacer can improve physicochemical and sensorial properties of low-fat restructured ham-like products.2168316 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/3/16論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)肉製品重組火腿類型產品物化特性膳食纖維奇亞籽Meat productrestructured ham-like productphysicochemical propertiesdietary fiberchia seed[SDGs]SDG3奇亞籽營養成分調查與探討其在重組火腿類型產品利用上的可行性Investigation of nutritional composition in chia seed and the possibility of its practical application on restructured ham-like productsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274403/1/ntu-104-R01626030-1.pdf