2015-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/672154摘要:近數十年來,海洋的探索帶來許多生物學上驚人的發現,但在其生物多樣性的基礎認識上仍有許多缺漏。 本計畫是在既有之台法雙方合作的團隊上,再進一步加強合作以進行深海底棲、化學合成生態及沉木共棲生物演化及多樣性之研究。其研究範圍主要聚焦於包括台灣在內的海洋高度多樣性的金三角地區。 本研究第一個目標為對所有採獲的軟體動物、甲殼類種類和其它深海底棲動物建立型態分類與生命條碼 (DNA barcoding) 相互結合的資料庫,以有效減輕分類知識不足對究明全球海洋生物多樣性的障礙。另外,當前海底探勘偏重於最熱門之「旗艦」環境,此偏差會造成在探究海洋生物多樣性之成因時會有所曲解。因此,第二個研究目標旨在探討此現象是否造成人們對於「深海生物之特殊構造如何反映在其適應深海極端環境所造成的演化壓力」與「物種的分布範圍如何反映出其地區性或生態性特化」有著過度的闡述。相信經由此計畫之執行與新增的採集資料之分析可使我們重新定義這些物種的多樣性模式,並透過親緣關係學的研究方法,重新評估這些生物類群當前的生物學與演化適應假說。 本計畫的成功有賴於建立連通野外採集和博物館收藏及實驗室的架構能力。此外,本計畫聚集了台法雙方具豐富採集經驗的傑出海洋生物與系統分類學者,以確保其第二個目標的成功性。最後,更期待能藉此計畫使台法雙方科學合作關係能更加緊密。<br> Abstract: During the few last decades, the exploration of marine environments has brought out the most spectacular taxonomic discoveries but many gaps remain in basic knowledge of marine biodiversity. The aim of the present proposal is to enhance the scientific developments of the exploration of the marine biodiversity in the deep-sea. The present proposal is focussed around the golden triangle of marine biodiversity. Both the French and the Taiwanese partners of the present proposal are involved in the exploration of the deep-sea diversity in this region. A large international network of taxonomists is involved in the study of the collections gathered for the last 35 years by these teams. However the large amount of new taxonomic knowledge provided through this network had only poorly spread outside the taxonomists’ communities. The first objective of the proposal is thus to provide a better access to the taxonomic knowledge of the deep-sea organisms. This effort will allow a reduction of the so-called “taxonomic impediment” for the stakeholders concerned by the deep-sea biodiversity. In that purpose we aim at generalizing (i) the use of molecular markers in the description of the diversity of the organisms and (ii) the publication of all data (molecular, taxonomic, ecologic, etc…) gathered on deep-sea organisms in databases accessible using Internet. The second objective is to show that exploration of the deep-sea realm is biased toward flagship environments and that this bias strongly distorts our understandings of causes of the pattern of diversity in the deep-sea. Our working hypotheses are that the sampling focused on few flagship environments lead to an over interpretation (i) of the spectacular features of deep-sea organisms as reflecting adaptive answers to pressures from these “extreme” environments and (ii) of the distributions of species as reflecting their endemism or their ecological specialisation. To test these hypotheses we have chosen taxa for which many data are available from the exploration of these flagships environments and for which adding data from new expeditions in the golden triangle of marine diversity will add a significant amount of taxonomic and ecological diversity. Adding these additional data will allow us to redefine diversity patterns for these taxa and, leaning upon a phylogenetic approach, to reassess current hypotheses about their biology and evolution. The success of the proposal will firstly lie on our capacity of building an efficient logistic framework from the field back to the museum collections and the labs. Secondly, in both the French and the Taiwan teams, we bring together leading researchers in marine biology and systematics. This association insures the success of the second objective of the projects. Both the French and the Taiwanese teams have a long experience of collaborations. The present proposal will allow us to reinforce our relationships.金三角地區海洋生物多樣性深海底棲動物生命條 碼系統分類親緣關係Coral Trianglemarine biodiversitydeep-sea faunaDNA barcodingsystematicsphylogeny國際合作研究計畫【台法國合計畫-臺法海洋生物多樣性調查與深海底棲動物演化之研究】