蔡向榮臺灣大學:獸醫學研究所方琮岫Fang, Tsung-HsiuTsung-HsiuFang2007-11-282018-07-092007-11-282018-07-092005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/59937本實驗探討鴿子在注射環磷醯胺(CY)後,是否會因免疫系統受到抑制而提升對家禽流行性感冒病毒 (AIV)之感受性。以低病原性的台灣AIV分離株 A/chicken/Taiwan/1209/03 (H5N2)及A/chicken/Taiwan/3152/03 (H6N1)經眼鼻路徑接種,並利用巢式反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應(nested RT-PCR)和雞胚胎蛋病毒分離等2種方式進行偵測。在H5N2及H6N1的感染試驗中,施打與無施打CY的鴿子,於21天的觀察期內皆無排毒及抗體陽轉之情形,並且無法在氣管、肺、胰、脾、腎及直腸等臟器檢測到病毒。H6N1試驗中的同居感染雞隻也為相同的陰性結果。因此推論鴿子在免疫抑制的情形下,不但仍對這2株AIV具有抗性,也不會媒介病毒的傳播使其它鴿子或雞隻感染。在本實驗中也利用H5N2 AIV進行肉雞的接種試驗,以探討病毒在組織臟器的殘留情形。結果顯示在感染後的5和7天,以nested RT-PCR可在氣管和直腸偵測到病毒,心肌及肌胃則在第5天,腦和骨髓的出現情形較少,胸肌、翅肌或腿肌皆為陰性。另外,在2004年10月到2005年4月間,對台灣地區994隻鴨隻、71隻鴿子以及80隻寵物鳥進行AIV的調查,結果於2件鴨的檢體中分離到H1N1亞型AIV,鴨的分離率為0.19% (2/1049),鴿子為0% (0/78),寵物鳥為 0% (0/87)。由部分NP基因的序列推論,本次所分離到的毒株,與鳥源的H1N1亞型AIV較為接近,與豬或人源的H1N1則較為疏遠。Susceptibility to infection with avian influenza virus (AIV) was studied in healthy and immunodepressed pigeons, which were treated with the immunosuppressant cyclophosphamide (CY) before infection. Two subtypes of lowly pathogenic (LP) AIV (A/chicken/Taiwan/1209/03 H5N2 and A/chicken/Taiwan/3152/03 H6N1) were inoculated via oculonasal route. Nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (nested RT-PCR) and virus isolation were used as detective methods. The CY-treated and -untreated pigeons in both experiments did not shed viruses or become antibody positive throughout the 21-day observation period. All pigeons were negative for AIV RNA when trachea, lung, pancreas, spleen, kidney and rectum tissues were tested. The negative results were also obtained in noninoculated chickens which placed as contact controls in H6N1 AIV experiments. Therefore, it was concluded that the pigeons were resistant to infection with these LPAIV, and did not serve as a transmissible host, even in immune dysfunction. Following oculonasal inoculation with LPAIV (H5N2) in broiler chickens, virus was detected in trachea and rectum on 5 and 7 days postinoculation (DPI) by nested RT-PCR. AIV was also detected in myocardium and gizzard on 5 DPI, but rarely detected in brain and marrow on 5 or 7 DPI. No AI virus was prsent in breast, wing and thigh meat. The AI survey for 994 ducks, 71 pigeons and 80 pet birds in Taiwan was conducted from October 2004 to April 2005, we isolated two H1N1 AIVS from ducks. The isolation rates were 0.19% (2/1049), 0% (0/78) and 0% (0/87) in ducks, pigeons and pet birds, respectively. The partial NP genes of this two isolates were found to be closer to H1N1 avian viruses and to be different from H1N1 swine and human viruses.目次 I 表次 V 圖次 VI 中文摘要 VII 英文摘要 VIII 第一章 緒言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 2 第一節 歷史背景 2 1-1 野鳥 3 1-2 走鳥類 4 1-3 寵物鳥 5 1-4 家禽 5 1-5 其它動物 9 第二節 病毒性質 9 2-1 家禽流行性感冒病毒的性質、型態構造及功能 9 2-2 家禽流行性感冒病毒的複製 11 2-3 家禽流行性感冒病毒生存能力 12 第三節 病徵 13 第四節 流行病學 14 第五節 家禽流行性感冒之診斷 15 5-1 直接偵測病毒蛋白或核酸 15 5-2 病毒分離 16 5-3 血清學 16 5-4 實驗室病原性評估 17 5-5 區別診斷 17 第六節 家禽流行性感冒疫苗使用現況 18 第七節 環磷醯胺 19 7-1 基本介紹 20 7-2 對禽鳥類之影響 21 7-3 對疾病感染之影響 21 第三章 材料與方法 23 第一節 鴿子對低病原性禽流感H5N2與H6N1亞型病毒之感受性 23 1-1 動物來源I 23 1-2 病毒來源I 23 1-3 試驗設計I 23 1-4 動物來源II 25 1-5 病毒來源II 25 1-6 試驗設計II 25 1-7 血球凝集試驗 26 1-8 血球凝集抑制試驗 26 1-9 病毒核酸萃取 27 1-10 反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應 28 1-11 巢式反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應 (nested RT-PCR) 29 1-12 nested RT-PCR增幅產物分析 29 1-13 病毒分離與同定 30 第二節 H5N2亞型低病原性禽流感病毒在人工感染肉雞臟器之分佈情形 30 2-1 實驗材料 30 2-2 試驗設計 31 2-3 核酸萃取 31 2-4 nested RT-PCR 31 第三節 調查台灣地區鴨、鴿及寵物鳥禽流感之感染情形 32 3-1 檢體來源 32 3-2 實驗方法 32 3-3 增幅NP部分基因 32 3-4 TA cloning 32 3-5 轉形反應 33 3-6 菌落篩選 33 3-7 菌落之聚合酶連鎖反應 34 3-8 基因序列分析 34 第四章 結果 35 第一節 鴿子對低病原性禽流感H5N2與H6N1亞型病毒之感受性 35 1-1 Cy對鴿與雞免疫系統之影響 35 1-2 鴿子人工感染H5N2台灣禽流感分離株之結果 35 1-3 鴿子人工感染H6N1台灣禽流感分離株之結果 36 1-4 雞人工感染H6N1台灣禽流感分離株之結果 37 1-5 陰性對照組及免疫抑制對照組 37 第二節 H5N2亞型低病原性禽流感病毒在人工感染肉雞臟器之分佈情形 37 2-1 nested RT-PCR結果 37 2-2 病毒分離結果 38 第三節 台灣地區鴨、鴿及寵物鳥之家禽流行性感冒調查結果 (93年10月~94年4月) 38 3-1 nested RT-PCR結果 38 3-2 病毒分離結果 39 3-3 鴨分離株之部分NP基因序列分析 39 第五章 討論 53 第六章 參考文獻 62 附錄 751406600 bytesapplication/pdfen-US家禽流行性感冒病毒低病原性鴿環磷醯胺免疫抑制巢式反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應avian influenza viruslowly pathogenicpigeoncyclophosphamideimmunosuppressiveNested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction[SDGs]SDG3低病原性家禽流行性感冒病毒在禽鳥之感染情形Studies on the Lowly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Infections in Selected Avian Speciesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/59937/1/ntu-94-R92629035-1.pdf